Thanks ladies, I think you hit the nail on the head. I hid behind food my entire life to deal with all my childhood issues etc.. now I have nothing to hide behind. I was a smoker pre op as well so between that and eating that was my stress relief sorted, now I have nothing.
I have lost complete control of my life as I have no idea who I am anymore, people treat me differently I am no longer unnoticed (although I was noticed for my weight before that was it)
I am so frightened and I just don't know how to deal with it. I see my therapist on weds so will go through it with her then.
Helen - I have just read your post and my heart felt like it was in my mouth - I am with you on everything you said.
exactly what i went thru hunni... its no plain sailing ...... its been like peeling an onion for me as the weight has come off the childhood problems have come closer and closer to the surface...... i just worked thru every one with my councillor as they surfaced..... and there was no knowing when that would happen as my issues were so deeply hidden ...most of them i was unaware they were even affecting me ...... They seem to crop up from time to time, now i am just very gentle with myself and work thru them as and when they come....... at the mo am on a break from the counselling, but know its there as and when i need it. Its recognising it that the hardest part.......and frankly i've had sooooo many years suffering its a blessing to get it all out

I too gave up the smoking so yes all the coping strategies for us are gone now its time to face up to all the past hurts and get deep down to what caused our weight in the first place...... lets be honest dealing with things is the old way were only hurting us and making us ill so now its time to leave that all far behind and come out a stronger happier person.
I'm not saying i'm cured lol but deffo stronger as a result, of course i still have my days when crap hits the fan sending me to the cupboards but now i see it clear with my own eyes and recognise the only one im hurting in the long run is me.
I hit a major weight stall not long back and it was all connected to the past, when i hit the weight i would have been back then............ but i got thru that too
Now i find myself a changed person.... yes everyone treats me differently too but now everything is about ME and not allowing everyone else to have some kind of say over my life..... if someone upsets me now i no longer stuff my feelings and hurt myself ....... i stand up for myself
Speak to you therapist Wednesday, explain exactly how you feel, sometimes i think its hard to even know ourselves what's going on inside...... stay strong you will get thru it

My new coping strategies are taking control rather than letting everything roll over me like in the past...... i now take control for the shopping, the cooking, the cleaning blah blah i'm now like the Duracell bunny ....... a organised neat freak ............
huge hugs to both of you ..... Helen i'm looking out for your diary too x x x x x