Well, i have many dreams, having just turned 21 and big my whole life i havent really experienced a lot of things, so here is a short-ish list:
1.) I dont want my mum and dad to be worried about me anymore, i know ive caused them a lot of pain with worry and just want them to be proud of the daughter they see.
2.) I want to be an amazing primary school teacher, i want to go on school trips and be able to walk in front, i want to be able to join in with the kids playing PE, i want to set up sports clubs, i want to be the kind of cool, fun teacher the kids can look up to.
2.) I would LOVE to have kids. I want to have a whole football team of them, and i want to run around after them...i want THEM to have to catch ME up.
3.) I want to get married and have a blown up picture of me and my husband and not be ashamed of the 'me' staring back at me.
4.) I want to book to go out and not worry about all the crappy little things i do now: will i fit in the seat? Willl there be stairs? Will someone from school be there and see how gross i look?
5.) I cant wait to discover a shop other than Evans, and shop in it more than once a year!!
We've never been a rich family and some times i've worn clothes until they have literally fallen off my back with being worn too much. Evans prices are extortionate (sp?) when ive lost weight i am going to be Primark's *****!!
6.) I cant wait till i stop breaking furniture. Ive broke, 4 chairs and god knows how many beds.
7.) I want to RUN!!!!!! I would love it, ipod in ears and off i go... i attempted to do this a few weeks ago to get fit and i buggered my right knee up that bad i could bearly walk on it for weeks.
Loads more, i just cant wait to start living a "normal" life.