New Member
Hello Everybody
Because I have good restriction and also someone else is cooking my christmas dinner for me , So today I decided to have a pre christmas dinner trial too see Firstly if I could manage it and 2ndly if it would agree with me and not make me do a hewey ( soz of tmi) but I didnt wanna wait until christmas day and then tuck in and then spend time afterwards wiv me head down the loo (soz for tmi again) anyhows......I did it and it was yummy
. I managed 1 potatoe, about 1 spoon of carrotts, one stuffing ball ( home made and about the size of 5op) and about half a tablespoon of chicken and gravy......and it was fab and it stayed down.......

I didnt even attempt the cauli/brocoli or yorkie pud because I couldnt manage them before my fill so I know I wouldnt of been able to manage it after the fill...But am I pleased with wot I could eat - So Job well done I think , least I know wot I will be having for christmas dinner , it did look strange on even a side plate as it was soooooo small compared to my hubbys plate but I was satisfied ( we even played christmas songs LoL) . Thanks in advance for reading. - MeJulie
Because I have good restriction and also someone else is cooking my christmas dinner for me , So today I decided to have a pre christmas dinner trial too see Firstly if I could manage it and 2ndly if it would agree with me and not make me do a hewey ( soz of tmi) but I didnt wanna wait until christmas day and then tuck in and then spend time afterwards wiv me head down the loo (soz for tmi again) anyhows......I did it and it was yummy