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Prob wrong place to post this..........

Wishing your mum a speedy recovery and hoping she gets the peg - kick up a stink and threaten Article 6 of the Human Rights Act if they don't give her one (I used this for my fiance when he was in a coma and they threatened to withdraw his nutrition and hydration - it worked for me, unfortunately he never came out of the coma but by causing a fuss I gave him the best chance of recovery if he did come out of the coma)
Doctors tend to ride roughshod until you quote the law to them and then they get scared in case you know what you are talking about. Good luck and safe journey x
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Aww sorry to hear your mum is poorly. Hope she has a speedy recovery and gets her peg and gets better. Hope you have a safe trip. Don't feel guilty about living far away, i'm sure your mum misses you but wants you to be happy and live your life how you want to. Big hugs xxx
sending lots of healing thoughts your and your mum's way
know where your heads at my mum's not good at the min either but us girls do all we can

take care
