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Problem with band, is this normal?

Hi Guys I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who could give me some advice.

I had the band surgery in Oct 2008 and I am already on my 3rd fill. I am constantly starving and in-between meal feel sick with hunger. My weight loss has been very slow and I’ve only just lost my first 1 ½ stone since starting this last Oct 2008. Where I am so hungry I some times forget to eat slow and I am sick most days.

Is this normal?

LMS :confused:
Hi there

I had my op the same month as you and my weight loss has hardly galloped.

But the feeling hungry between meals is a sign that you need more fills, it can take more than 3 fills to hit the sweetspot, so don't panic there.

But you must remember to eat slowly or you could do yourself and the band harm. Vomitting can lead to slippage.

Go back to your provider and tell them what you are experiencing. Were you private or NHS?
Hi Cazbandy

Private and I had no after care. I am getting worried as I have a 10 ml band and i'm already 7mls full and i've only had it a few months.

Are you having the hunger? x
Hiya I am having the exact same feelings as you I have had 3 fills since having my band fitted last July. I have lost 3 stones but have lost nothing at all since Xmas and find I am starving all the time then I eat something too quickly and it gets stuck. I have 6.5mls in my band and am due back at hopital next week I am going to see if they think I need another fill, but you cant help feeling bad when you see other people who seem to be losing every week. Sorry I dont mean to make you feel worse than you do already but I do feel it makes me feel a bit better to know I am not the only one who is struggling with it and not seeing the results we want.
Take Care I will let you know how I get on next week hopefully they can advise where I am going wrong xx
Hi Lesley

I know what you mean, I feel better knowing I am not the only one going through this. Did you have it done NHS or private? One possibility is that my band has been placed too far down and more food is getting through. I wish I had the after care package, with no diet advice i've been winging it abit. However, I had a fill this week and I have a diet sheet, seems to be mainly low GI stuff xx
Hi again

What do you eat on an average day?

Since my first fill I find I can hold over for about 3-4 hours, which means I don't often feel the need to eat between meals. Sometimes before my period I feel more hungry but I had that prior to the band anyway.

Do you alway have breakfast? That can help with hunger.

I will either start the day with a bowl of micro oats, with some fruit. And then half hour later or half hour before have a cup of tea made with Alpro light (a little boost of protein)
Then lunch is usually soup, with some grated cheese and sometimes a slice of bread (toasted) Dinner is often lean meat, veggies and sometimes a couple of potatoes. I try and dvide the groups into thirds,

If you are skipping out on the protein you may find you are hungrier. Or if the food you eat is too soft.

I do sometimes snack, either a yoghurt, banana or if I am feeling naughty, 2 biccies.

I should not worry, we all hit stalls and worrying over it will make it worse. I would find out about getting another fill...even half a mil can make all the difference and I would say you might not be too far from the sweetspot of restriction. If the next one does not work, then get them to look into it.

Hi Lesley

I know what you mean, I feel better knowing I am not the only one going through this. Did you have it done NHS or private? One possibility is that my band has been placed too far down and more food is getting through. I wish I had the after care package, with no diet advice i've been winging it abit. However, I had a fill this week and I have a diet sheet, seems to be mainly low GI stuff xx
Hi I had mine done on the NHS so obviously get my fills done by them I have been trying to hold off getting another one thinking it was just me that wasnt doing it right, but I think Im going to ask them to do another one and try and get back on track.
Best of Luck!!
Hi Cazbandy

"Hi again

What do you eat on an average day?"

I have breakfast, usually porriage or toast, lunch is usually a sandwich or jacket and dinner I try and stick to quorn or fish and veg. But this diet sheet i've been given says eat new potatoes and sweet potatoes so am going to include them. My portions are much smaller but I am so hungery inbetween meals, I try and have banana or veg sticks. However! I do relax the diet a bit at the weekend and maybe I have let myself do that too much :-S
Hi Cazbandy

"Hi again

What do you eat on an average day?"

I have breakfast, usually porriage or toast, lunch is usually a sandwich or jacket and dinner I try and stick to quorn or fish and veg. But this diet sheet i've been given says eat new potatoes and sweet potatoes so am going to include them. My portions are much smaller but I am so hungery inbetween meals, I try and have banana or veg sticks. However! I do relax the diet a bit at the weekend and maybe I have let myself do that too much :-S

im suprised you can eat bread without it hurting sounds like you need a litlle ajustment i also cant eat fish take your food diary in with you for your next fill and see if your eating good band foods that stay a long time in your pouch i only get a bit hunry in the evening then i have a low fat snack my weightloss is going well but i had a very high bmi to start so it think it coming off good luck