New Member
its frustrating love to have this done on the NHS, but with their stupid hurdles, its going to impossible for me (Im a healthy fattie at the moment!)
Would the NHS deny a drug addict treatment? Or a smoker treatment? So why am i denied treatment as a food addictJust p*sses me off that id need to gain even more weight and then get other illnesses so im considered
I want to break this cycle before it gets worse.
So until then, its the private route for me (roll on January!)
I totally agree with you; it is horribly frustrating. I've never made sense of individual PCT's ignoring NICE guidelines & imposing almost suicidal citeria before granting funding. I think if you can somehow find the money to pay for it yourself, then go for it. And that way, you don't have to go through the sheer purgatory of jumping through hoops & waiting endlessly for appointments xxx