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Professor Mike Mcmahon Nuffield leeds band failed


New Member
I'd like to hear from patients of professor Mcmahon and your gastric band experience.

I had mine installed September 2007. After surgery, Mcmahon informed me I was too big for the small band, but too small for the big. They only had two band sizes, so he choose the small band without my consent, or without any risk revision discussion.

Unlike other patients who were up and mobilised soon after surgery, I was bedridden and in immense pain. This pain lasted for 2 weeks.

In 4 months, I lost 4 stone, but my weight loss stopped. During my discharge and in these 4 months, Mcmahon never contacted me, so I reached out to him. I learned that my band was not inflated. It had been installed, but was inactive, so my weightloss caused a bit of a stir and a few frowns. I didn't think anything of this at the time as I was delighted with the weight loss. I later realised its because the band was too tight and this was the restriction.

By September 2008 I felt unwell. Pains in my stomach, feeling off colour. By 24.12.2008 I was admitted to York District through A&E. My band had eaten into my stomach causing streptococcus milerie. I almost died. The york surgeon and my husband reached out to Mcmahon who was very put out with it being Xmas and because he said I was out of warranty. He basically washed his hands of me.

The band was removed after full open abdominal surgery on the NHS. It had also eroded. I was in hospital 3 months, then under District nurses for 6 months at home. The 7 inch wound got infected as streptococcus is very resistant. The wound burst open and I had to be packed for a further 12 weeks. I had green grunge pouring out of me.

It took 1 year to recover. I lost my job. My marriage ended under the pressure and due to my depression. I lost the £7500 surgery cost that Mcmahon refused to refund. I suffered ptsd from surgical trauma. When I wrote to Mcmahon, he replied with a letter stating he had noted an unusual shape to my stomach post surgery, but he took no action.

He told me 1% fail, yet I know another man who almost died too who was his patient in 2008.

I didn't sue Mcmahon as I was mentally too unwell to start a legal case. I missed the 3 year window.

Today i have internal adhesions. I feel their restriction inside. If I twist they can knot which is a terrifying sensation. I developed fibromyalgia.

Mcmahon has never taken any responsibility. If you have had a similar experience with Mcmahon, id like to look at a group claim.

I felt lied to and neglected.

He was registered with the medical board and they said a complaint from me wasn't in the publics interest. I felt alone and silenced. Nuffield hospital also wouldn't help. When I asked for my records, they'd destroyed my file earlier than the date I believe they should have destroyed them.

No matter how many tears it takes to see this post, please reach out.