Hi all
Been away for a week walking and climbing in the lake district, but thought i'd write a quick update on the protein supplimentation.
Ok so its been just over a week now and dispite having had massive amounts of exercise i've only lost 1lb this week - that doesn't worry or supprise me really, my expert dietician has warned me that doing heavy exercise and taking the protein will increase my metabolic rate and help to build muscle mass whilst still burning fat, so i suspect i've increased my muscle mass, he also warned me that it may take a few weeks for my body to adapt to the increase in protein and exercise and start burning fat again, and advises not to worry as it will kick back into fat burning mode in time.
I want to really lose the fat, but i also know that long term burning away my muscle will cause me longer term problems, so slowing down my lose and building and maintaining muscle has to be a good thing.
I'm also celebrating today as my 1lb lose has taken my BMI under 30 to 29.6, i'm now officially overweight rather than obese

not bad considering in 9 months i've gone from a BMI of 50 to 29.6