Snow Crystal is right about toilet paper giving little or no protection against bacterial cross infection. Hutchinson's law states that the absorbency of tissue paper makes it useless as a barrier against paths of cross infection.
To be honest you are more likely to be infected by other contact areas such as the taps and even the toilet or bathroom exit door handles.
Deposits of bacteria that build up inside the flushing rim that then contaminate the water in the toilet bowl is another path of cross infection. Especially if you are splashed by the water when doing a number two, or you stand by the toilet when it flushes as it will produce aerosols that could contain viable bacteria.
Washing your hands properly is vital, and that means not touching the taps after you have soaped your hands, as doing so recontaminates your hands.
Also after you have left the location use the hand gel to kill any bacteria located on the door handles.
My company are hygiene services specialists hence my anaoraky knowledge of all things microbiological