Hey Cab, welcome to the forum
When you hit 20 posts, be sure to catch us in the Cornwall Coffee Time thread (located in the WLS Meetings & Support Groups section).
I must admit that I've changed my mind so many times the last few months, not sure if I'm doing the right thing or Sleeve Vs Bypass....... The time it takes to get to surgery is to mentally prepare you for a complete lifestyle change that you must be able to commit to for the rest of your life. I'm using the time to implement the changes now and believe me, some of the "rules" aren't easy!! I'm now glad to have the time to get used to the changes required, and to make sure that surgery is what I want / right for me.
Maybe have a go at some of the requirements yourself - after all, if you want surgery then you'll have to make the changes sooner or later anyway so making a start now will help you. There's plenty to choose from and I suggest you just tackle them one at a time. A few off the top of my head are:
Drink two litres of water per day
Do not drink anything for half-hour before/after meals, nor during meals
Use kiddies plate and cutlery
Chew each mouthful of food 20 times then pause before next mouthful
Give up fizzy drinks / alcohol / smoking / chewing gum ...... (if applicable)
Make healthy food choices (goes without saying!!!)
I'm sure there are plenty more, but as you can see, I'm only a Learner myself LOL!!! You could also start looking at some bariatric recipes - I found some lovely ones online and there are plenty of books available (keep an eye out at car boot sales, charity shops, eBay, etc). I'm also using recipes from Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Hairy Bikers, etc but not sure if they will be any good after surgery - they certainly help for now anyway
Well, that's me done jibbering on - good luck with your journey
