cathykats said:Thank you Gary! & thank you all for your well wishes.
I'm home now & feel a lot better just gotta take it easy!
The Whittington hospital regally looked after me and I have to go back for a check u next week and then off to my team at the UCH in 2 weeks time.
Thanks again all much love Cathy xxxxx
Glad to hear you home Hun , so sorry you had a rough time with your sleeve , when did you start having problems , after surgery , cause I am going to have my sleeve on the 30th just so I know what signs to look out for hunni , if you don't mind me asking , but so glad you are home and feeling better xx
Just heard from her, she is back in hospital and has been for 2 weeks, she still has a leak but they seem to think it will heal itself. They are keeping her in to keep there eye on her.