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Reflux after a fill - sorry long (again).


Long time no post - or at least it feels like that. I had my band filled on May 12th and immediately started with reflux which affected my asthma and made walking really difficult. I then found that I couldn't eat much without PBing - unless I had been drinking or I was eating my nemesis chocolate and crisps. I tried really everything - drinking enough, chewing forever, leaving a minute between mouthfuls but I spent at least half an hour after every meal bringing it back up. I phoned the clinic within a week and then sent me a new appointment for June 9th.

The problem was I was getting really upset about always being hungry - I was even bringing soups back up - and I ended up turning to chocolate which I can keep down. Within a week I had put 9lb on. (It was my birthday and there was some drinking and eating out going on as well.)

I got a grip when I saw the scales read 23 13 - I did not want to see 24 again. I've had a very low week with a typical day's menu being - yogurt, small portion very tender chicken tandoori and a bowl of soup. I managed to not only get rid of the 9lb I had put on but another 2lb as well. Partly because I had a defill on Thursday so ate very little that day.

They took out .5ml leaving me with 5.5 in a 9 ml band. Sadly, I still am suffering reflux although the restriction seems much better. I am worried now that I wont be able to have the band tight enough to restrict without suffering from reflux and the reflux is terrible because it makes breathing so difficult.

I have another appointment in four weeks and will see what they suggest. I did try to talk to the registrar about reflux but he brushed me off and I often get quite flustered for some reason when I see him or Mr Ammori.
Gavascon liquid works well for me and just poped in to superdrug today and got some of their own brand indestigion tablets ones you swallow dont bother with them! Good luck with your reflux the only time ive experienced reflux is my band being too tight so please dont suffer!!xx
My biggest fear is that I cannot have the band tight enough to provide any restriction without having reflux.

With the 0.5ml out I have very little restriction but still have the reflux.

Has anyone else had problems with reflux with their band?
Hi Weeble,

Are you on any medication for reflux? I have been on omeprozole for years and when I went for my band I was told that I needed to be on it. I had Fast Tabs after my op until I went on solids as that is the same kind of thing. Before I was banded, if I didn't take my 1 tablet a day I would be sick after nearly everything I ate. I was told banders do get acid reflux so need to be on medication.

I am on omeprozole and have upped my tablets to 2 a night. I have suffered from reflux for years but the tablets kept it under control but now the tablets are not helping and I wake up every morning with a sore throat and wheezing and breathless. I am using my inhaler a lot more than I usually do. I am worried that I might be causing long term damage. Alongside that I am worried that I cannot have the band tight enough to provide restriction because of the reflux.
Hi Weeble,

As far as i am aware the reflux may be part and parcel of having the band filled, but i am sure there is stronger reflux medication. maybe a word with your GP asap will get you some stronger stuff to ease the discomfort until you get to talk the the consultant.

Hope you are feeling better today
