Well-Known Member
Kat, excuse a newbies naïve comment ..but following your have a band but have never felt restriction...How is that possible?
Im hoping at my age that this is the tool that will help me and finally be able to loose my weight..But I am hungry most of the time, well I fancy food all the time so really hoping the band will restrict it common for bands not to help with appetite restriction??
It can take a while to find restriction, some people may find it after 2 or 3 fills, some take longer. It is most certainly possible to not feel restriction until you are at a level of it being right. Today is the first time, while having my diaphragmatic fill that I've been able to feel the bands capability.
I feel hungry constantly with my band, even after I've eaten, I still feel hungry. The weight I've lost has been down to my choosing what I eat, following the guidelines from my provider and a lot of hard work.
Different people produce different levels of ghrelin which will also affect their hunger levels. But I live by the motto "just because I can, doesn't mean I should" and it is that, and the fact I spent £7500 on my surgery which keeps me focused.
We are still working to find restriction from my band and while I'm quite ok with being able to eat anything and in whatever amount I want, but am hoping as we battle to find restriction that it will help with the hunger.
Some people eat half a chicken breast and cannot eat for hours, I've never had that feeling with my band.
The band only does a certain % of the work - the rest is down to you, the choices you make and following the guidelines post op