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Revision op booked Mini bypass from band


Active Member
hi banded 2007. Great while it lasted, lost 9 stone. Last year it decided to no longer work as a tool. Had a rotten time since.

Now booked for a revision to a mini gastric bypass in Belgium in June. Same surgeon Dr Chris De Bruyne.

Lots of worries, lots of hope.

Hey, my story is very similar to yours, same times and weights! I had my revision with Dr Chris seven weeks ago to mini bypass and have lost nearly three stone. I'm 5 ft 4 was 14.7 St now 11.10 St.
So pleased I finally had my revision, plus living with the bypass is bliss compared to an elderly cantankerous old band!
Good luck on your journey!
Thanks Caroline, you have done really well in 7 weeks.
Good to hear the improvement in quality of life over a band that has decided enough is enough. They said I could leave it in as a band over bypass, belt and braces thing but no way it has to go.
Frederik is on holiday at the moment and my questions are building lol. I am womdering if Dr Chris will do the One Anastamosis version of the MGB. That version was developed to deal specifically with the reflux problem and I have got myself into a bit of a state worrying about that.

I will follow your journey if thats OK, so helpful.

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Chrissy have you not got Bart's email address?

Lynn x
Chrissy have you not got Bart's email address?

Lynn x
Not Bart's only Federiks and Dr Chris. Frederik did mail to tell me he was on holiday. My timing sucks as I just tranferred the deposit and I dont even have confirmation that it arrived in their account because he is away and cant check it.
Oh I haven't heard of that one. My reflux was terrible, I used to sleep sitting up or I would choke on it when my band was tight. I started to get slight heartburn after about two weeks and I really panicked Dr Chris doubled my dose of the antacid pills for two weeks and then dropped back to the normal dose. Luckily I have been fine since then.
Thank you so much Lynn I have emailed him. :)

Did you see my question about which pre-op diet you did?

Chrissy x
Oops sorry missed that one. I did low fat, low carb, low cal and no alcohol lol. I just googled liver shrinking diet and read through a few, didn't fancy the milk one as I work evenings and was worried I would not have enough energy. The food ones are all broadly similar so I picked the easiest one to understand.

Lynn x
Thanks Lynn! Sounds like something I can manage when I am away on holiday. Not bothered about alcohol and as long as I leave the baklava and Pides alone I should be fine. Hummous will be a real test of character though :S

Oh and I cannot do fruit of any kind. Anything acidic will not go down, not fruit based juice or cordial either. Bummer, I live on weak black tea.
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Quick update : Bart got back to me so that was quick. I am not sure I got the answer I was looking for and I think, at the end of the day, I am going to have to wait to the actual surgery day for my answers.

Having a rough time with my band at the moment, The coughing is wearing me down so much I am tearful and that just isnt me. Last night I coughed so hard it felt like my port has flipped and I such a sharp sudden pain. Going to load up on vitamins and supplements in the hope I feel better. Sounds daft I know but remember I have not been able to eat any fruit since I had my band in 2007.
Mobility really suffering due to knee and hip pain. Its such a vicious circle we get into.
Roll on June, I have had enough.
For the first time ever I am beginning to hate my band. Its turned me into an unhealthy eater rather than just an overeater.
So sorry to hear you are feeling so bad at the moment, constant coughing is extremely draining. Sounds like a plan with the vitamins, it maybe that you are a bit low on some.I was suffering with hip and knee pain, compounded by actually injuring one knee. The recovery from that was so slow and I know my weight made it worse.

Hang in there, it's not too long now. The first date I agreed with Frederik was 17/3 but that couldn't go ahead so date was put back 2 weeks, making a 6 week wait. It seemed ages (with apologies to NHS patients who wait so much longer) but trust me it flew by.

Lynn x
Thanks Lynn.

I know you are right, just having a bad few days I guess. The June date was of my choosing as we already had a 3 week trip abroad arranged, Otherwise I could have chosen end of April.
Anyway, I made an appointment to see my GP the week after next, just to make sure she is on board with post surgery support. I am already on Omeprazole, now it will be for life. Bought a stack of vitamins at Costco so have started on those. Hopefully my mood will pick up.

Chrissy x
Hi weegi

I am just venturing into your post with a wee bit of trepidation lol. Always terrified to read the band failure posts - banded in August last year

Sorry your having such a rotten time. Not too long till June now with a nice holiday to keep you going

Looking forward to hearing all about your journey xx
Thanks Kursty,

I am of an age where I shouldn't be wishing any part of my life away lol but I will be glad when I am onto this next stage. Never thought I would find myself looking at more surgery, wasn't even bothered about plastics when I lost 9 stone. Given it took me a whole year to get restriction I know how blummin hard I worked to get there. Every persons experience of a band is different. Just because mine decided to quit on me does not mean it will happen to you.
Cannot be helped as they say 'stuff happens'. ( stuff might not be the right word ;) )
Just have to get on with it.
