New Member
helloooo, pass the food please!
I have had a cold since Sunday and feel like i'm eating for England, USA and Australia. I'm hungry every couple of hours, normally i do 3 meals a day and possibly fruit/yoghurt. Now i just can't stop. I was eating a muffin at 11 o'clock Tuesday night. I'm sure i'll have gained weight this week, but i don't care....
Feed a cold, starve a fever, the age old story! Anyone else find when they have a cold that they could eat a scabby dog?
I have had a cold since Sunday and feel like i'm eating for England, USA and Australia. I'm hungry every couple of hours, normally i do 3 meals a day and possibly fruit/yoghurt. Now i just can't stop. I was eating a muffin at 11 o'clock Tuesday night. I'm sure i'll have gained weight this week, but i don't care....
Feed a cold, starve a fever, the age old story! Anyone else find when they have a cold that they could eat a scabby dog?