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Also ... do any of you feel slightly lumpy underneath your scars? I had keyhole surgery and I suffered a pain when I went to get up this morning. When I touched the point where the sharp pain was it was directly underneath one of my scars (not my port site) - anyone else have this? Also the area is ever so slightly tender to the touch. Am I crazy?

I worry incessantly about cancer ... crazy probably and am always checking for lumps and it's the reason why I want the weight off asap. Also the reason I'm worring about the bowel pain. :(
Sweetheart it's completely normal to feel lumps and bumps underneath scars as it's the scar tissue. Some people are prone to it being more pronounced and others are lucky and get nice tidy scar tissue. So don't worry you are fine and the pain is associatiated with the healing process and the amount of scar tissue there. Sending hugs with fairy dust xx
Hi CC,

It's a good point to raise regarding losing weight to assist your health and monitoring...

I've not had a band, but have other scars from other surgeries and have a raised lump that has formed under them... I put it down to the settlement of the scarring... but I am continually checking myself, since I have recently received treatment for cancer... now pending a bypass...

For sure, being able to keep a better watch of yourself has to be easier with less weight and a great motivator for me to join you on your journey... I think that way too!

I now always say to myself... 'if in doubt... get it checked out'...

I had my bypass thru keyhole surgery. I have 6 'wounds' in total, most are completely healed & you can't see them but a couple do have raised/lumps under. I'm only 2 weeks post op though.
Hi Jacci,

It's usual for scarring to have raised lumps... I have a couple of huge scars plus a hysterectomy scar lower down and none of them feel totally smooth... but there is something I think called Manuka honey for scars....

Scar Treatment for Natural Healing

which is worth taking a look at....

Love and hugs xxx
Thanks Bev, I'm not worried about them & its a reminder of my journey ;)

Hope you are well
No I know you're doing ok Jacci... I'll probably have a go at using some of this manuka stuff on my new scars though... glad you are ok and will be in touch... can never go too many days without hearing from you Jacci...

Take special care xxx
Yes it is, I have got them too. I have lumps beneath all of my long term and recent scars.

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Yes, I have slightly hardened 'lumpy' bits under my scars, I'm only 2 weeks out, so some of this couls still be a bit of swelling, but I would imagine as they had to cut right through to the internal body cavity, they will probably remain a bit lumpy as scar tissue xxx
I have lumpy scars too CC and the one next to my port actually feels like it could be a second port and i was convinced after my second surgery that the new surgeon corrected the position of the oldport but he hasnt movedit at all it is just a weird lump which i got checked and it is the scar tissue can take up to 6-8 months to go back to normal. I use recue oil on it now cheaper version of bio oil and i must admit they have gone lighter. If worrying you get doc to check them when you go in next x