Loser :)
Calm down everyone lol it's not a competition for who's right!!
I'm a midwife and lots of my clients get shoulder tip pain after caesarean sections. It's like someone said - the diaphragm is irritated and it shares nerves with the shoulder tip, thus causing "referred" pain. This irritation can be caused by trapped wind or other irritations like those caused during surgery... So you are both correct!
Incidentally, I still get shoulder pain 9 months post band - and it's always resolved by a good old burp!
I'm a midwife and lots of my clients get shoulder tip pain after caesarean sections. It's like someone said - the diaphragm is irritated and it shares nerves with the shoulder tip, thus causing "referred" pain. This irritation can be caused by trapped wind or other irritations like those caused during surgery... So you are both correct!
Incidentally, I still get shoulder pain 9 months post band - and it's always resolved by a good old burp!