New Member
Hi, Terri,hi i cant offer any post op advice but woud like to add that i too am waitin for surgery at walsall and there mortality rates are better than the national average and those that have been unfortunate have been so because of other medical issues not from wls (this is what i was told at my meeting with dr hartland). I think your family are worried fro you but maybe dont realise the implicaations of being overweight far out weigh those of wls. But the important thing is you need to make the decission and not your family and if you dont do it because they have said no you will regret it for the rest of your life. You have got this far and i think every one has had some wobbles pre surgery and most of us waiting will too.
Maybe if you sat down with them and explained what a day living your life is like ie the breathelessness the none existence of self worth or self importance the self loathing and not fitting into society and that this really is teh alst chance for you to do something before dying prematurely maybe they might see how selfish they are being by asking you not to have this op. Hope this helps a little.
What info do you have re surgery stats at Walsall Manor?
What sort of medical issues could contribute to complications - any ideas?