Well-Known Member
Hi lottie you are really doing well and have clearly done a lot of research, I have found this forum invaluable and I'm so pleased I signed up the advice and support is so helpful, I also live in Norfolk and it usually takes me about 3 sometimes 3.5 hours to get to L and D but we do stop on route, usually for a costa !! It can be frustrating as the appointments are quite short, except for the first one but I just focus on the end result, well hopefully, do you have any comorbidities such as COPD or are you diabetic and do you know your BMI as these things make a difference at L and D in the assessment time, mine is 1 year but it's possible that yours could be 6 months, although this doesn't unfortunately mean, if accepted, you will have your surgery then it does only mean you get onto the list quicker, good luck with you journey x
Hey hun and fellow NORFOLK gal
Don't have diabetes but my levels were raised. My BMI was 51 when I went for the initial appointment ( it's 50.4 now
It's been less than 2 weeks since I saw the consultant at norwich hospital and it feel like it's forever ago.