New Member
:wave_cry:help ive had a few bad days of dumping,hypos blowting n haveing the hump,i eat slow i dump,then i get blowted.i was told when i was in hospital that i was'nt diabetic no more so why the hypos.the phoned the l&d hospital & was told to eat more often every 2 hours but was blowted all the time n felt sick all the blood had gone down to 3.6 which she said was a on the low side of normal but it makes me feel ill& that has happened 4/5 days on the trot:cry:i had a small bowl of porrage for breckfast today n my blood when up to 10:sigh: iam more confused about diabities then i ever was before i had my op.i can feel my belly swelling now n it just p***ing me off n makes me feel very sick,not been sick so far just feel it.iam glad i had my bypass but at the mo it just makes me wonder