Bella's mum- Thank you for your kind words, it feels quite strange to be dropping sizes so quickly.
Sally1- Thanks Hun

I know what you mean about the purée stage, two weeks in I swapped from blending up simple foods to blending up things like tins of Irish stew or curry without rice just so that I could have some flavour changes then with one week to go I blended it less so that it still had small lumps which I chewed the heck out of but it felt slightly more normal.
Vickip99- it is good to see that you are doing so well. It must be difficult to manage looking after little ones after surgery. I only have myself and my husband to look after and some days are quite difficult with the tiredness!
Mrspplus3- naughty naughty picking up the fags again.... I was worried about doing that so I invested in an electronic one just in case, so far I have managed to stay away from it though. Are you having pain every time you eat? Have you spoken to the hospital about it? I hope things settle down for you soon x
My diary entry for today...
I think I have experienced dumping for the first time. I have been having a 200ml serving of smoothy every day without an issue but yesterday I swapped from pomegranate to kiwi and apple smoothy and I felt sick and shaky and could not stay awake. I am not 100% sure if it was dumping or if it was diabetes related as it is similar to what used to happen if I consumed to much sugar but iv never felt sick with it before. Whatever it was, it was not nice that's for sure so I have avoided smoothy for today and will be swapping back to my normal flavour tomorrow.
I have spent a good hour or so today searching through the Boots web site trying to pick a new facial moisturiser as since my opp, I have developed really dry skin, my normal moisturiser is just not helping so I needed an alternative....there are sooooooooo many! I also discovered that I needed quite a few new items for my make up bag which has not been updated for a couple of years so I am quite excited to be collecting my order tomorrow. I think a new hair do is on the cards too, time for a change to go with the smaller me I think