Hi Jackie,
I started with Luton and Dunstable March 2017. I finished my 3rd tier 7th December 2017 and was told they aim for surgery within 18 weeks. I received a call March this year to advise there was a delay due to my original surgeon Mr Jain leaving near to the day I was due to have my bypass and I had to wait for a new surgeon. I then got an appointment to see Mr Jambulingam in May this year and given a date for the 24th September. I received a call beginning August asking if I wanted to bring my date forward to 30th August, of course I said yes

I'd been waiting which seems a lifetime lol. So fingers crossed its all happening next Thursday I'm excited although nervous.
I was like you I yoyo with my weight and was concerned at one point they would refuse me. Mr Jambulingam told me if I put any weight on he would decline my surgery on the day. I'm sure you will be fine keep up the good work it is hard over the tier stages as I felt the closer I was getting the further away I felt especially when Mr Jain left.
I've found this forum helps me so much. I struggled silently because I was embarrassed until I got my date. They are all lovely people and have all gone through or going through the same.
Keep me updated with your progress