I really wanted my sleeve with Professor Ammori so I tried to book a consultation with him but I was told that he's is not practicing privately any longer!!!

I was really upset as I really wanted him as my surgeon and I explained that this was because he was my sisters surgeon and she has had a great experience with him. I got quite upset as its taken me ages to finally find the courage to make this decision as I really struggle with anxiety! I really over think everything which leaves me worrying about the smallest things! I try really hard to keep calm but I think I'm just a naturally anxious person

So all along I'd planned to have Professor Ammori because I totally trust him as I've met him a couple of times when taking my sister to her appointments. The lady I spoke to on the phone was really kind and understanding when I got upset. She said Professor Ammori 'strongly recommends Mr Alan Li as his most preferred surgeon'. Apparently Mr Li has worked closely with Professor Ammori for years and they always look after each others patients if one of them goes away on holiday. So after a long chat with her I was still disappointed but I felt reassured! I took the plunge and booked a free first consultation. My sister came with me and afterwards it was clear why Professor Ammori recommends him! We thought Mr Li was lovely!! Very gentle and kind but clearly very experienced and insightful! I had a million questions but I never felt that I was wasting his time even though he has a waiting room full of patients waiting to see him. We discussed gastric band v gastric sleeve and we felt that I was right in feeling that a sleeve was most suitable. What we really liked about him was that he seemed really genuine. He said that in the early days of his career his eating habits were like mine! He would leave home early to check on his patients with just a coffee, he missed breakfast, would eat fast food for lunch whenever he got chance and then binge around 10pm on his evening meal! I'm just the same! Always rushing from home to school to work.... Looking after everyone else with no time to think about me! So sleeve it is for me