New Member
Hi everyone wonder if anyone could help me. I went to my doctors and asked for support in wanting to lose weight as I had previously lost 5st on slimming world in 2016 but had gained it all back and more 
many BMI is 48 and I’m 4ft11in, my doctor referred me to Barts and within a few months I saw Dr Simon Coppack at the
Diabetes & Metabolic clinic, I had weight and height measured and we spoke about my eating habits and other health problem I have,
I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
Psoriasis skin condition and currently on Ciclosporin for it,
I went off to have blood work and waited for other appointments to come through for the lung function test as he suspects I may have sleep apnea and for me to see Michelle the dietician all at Barts,
the lung function test came back as abnormal and I’m seeing them next week,
i saw the dietician last week and she was so lovely!!! And that’s when the penny dropped... after speaking to her for a good 30 mins about everything she asked me if Dr Coppack had spoke to me about surgery, I’ve only seen him once and no he hadn’t mentioned anything, she said because I’m a yo-yo dieter and due to other health conditions she wants me to talk to him about it,
I’m going to be honest I’ve researched a lot and I think in the long run I feel it would be the best thing for me all round, also I keep hearing about a tier 3? What exactly is this? Going by my bmi I feel I should be on that weight management but no one has actually said anything, I’m a little confused to what is happening regarding these appointments and not too sure who is the best to ask,
if anyone could help or could give any info on the doctor I’m seeing I would be so grateful,
sorry for the long post xx

many BMI is 48 and I’m 4ft11in, my doctor referred me to Barts and within a few months I saw Dr Simon Coppack at the
Diabetes & Metabolic clinic, I had weight and height measured and we spoke about my eating habits and other health problem I have,
I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
Psoriasis skin condition and currently on Ciclosporin for it,
I went off to have blood work and waited for other appointments to come through for the lung function test as he suspects I may have sleep apnea and for me to see Michelle the dietician all at Barts,
the lung function test came back as abnormal and I’m seeing them next week,
i saw the dietician last week and she was so lovely!!! And that’s when the penny dropped... after speaking to her for a good 30 mins about everything she asked me if Dr Coppack had spoke to me about surgery, I’ve only seen him once and no he hadn’t mentioned anything, she said because I’m a yo-yo dieter and due to other health conditions she wants me to talk to him about it,
I’m going to be honest I’ve researched a lot and I think in the long run I feel it would be the best thing for me all round, also I keep hearing about a tier 3? What exactly is this? Going by my bmi I feel I should be on that weight management but no one has actually said anything, I’m a little confused to what is happening regarding these appointments and not too sure who is the best to ask,
if anyone could help or could give any info on the doctor I’m seeing I would be so grateful,
sorry for the long post xx