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St Georges Hospital

What order did yours go in? Did you have psych appointment too?

MDT meeting - referral for pysc app
Pysc app

It was the second MDT the held everything up the pysc report seemed to take forever to me processed and you can't go on the MDT list until they have the evaluation.
Then there was a back log of cases waiting for MDT. Once you get past MDT you fly by.
According to my surgeon if you have no health issues meaning you need further medical assessment you should be seen within a 18weel target time the nhs has!
Mine was pretty close to this!

Also I hope you get operated at St Anthony's it was amazing! Like being in a hotel I stayed in St George's after due to complications and it was a bit of a shock!
I have the Greek surgeon Dr Georgio Costa or some such.... Have it written down! I'll try to get to know the secretary who does the appointments and discuss with them but if you've been told the same as I have then had it made for you I'll try and get ahead of the game if I can! I'm hoping soon as have prolapsed discs so lots of pain due to weight.... Are you dieting whilst you wait?

Not dieting per say, I've made changes. I LOUUUURRRRVVVVVE Pepsi max and I have reduced the amount I drink. I'm in lots of pain due to weight, on pain killers etc. I really just need this to hurry up.

I've spoken with secretary a few times and she's been nice, they were recruiting psych dr's hence why the wait is so long. They were supposed to bring some appointments forward but this hasn't happened, however I am in the first set of appointments. So fingers crossed after that app it won't be too long.
Dietician Surgeon MDT meeting - referral for pysc app Pysc app MDT Surgery It was the second MDT the held everything up the pysc report seemed to take forever to me processed and you can't go on the MDT list until they have the evaluation. Then there was a back log of cases waiting for MDT. Once you get past MDT you fly by. According to my surgeon if you have no health issues meaning you need further medical assessment you should be seen within a 18weel target time the nhs has! Mine was pretty close to this! Also I hope you get operated at St Anthony's it was amazing! Like being in a hotel I stayed in St George's after due to complications and it was a bit of a shock!

So far mine has been

Referral for WLS
Surgeon app
Dietician (following day)

when you look up online we both gone through the right process, however every app I was told something different.

The secretary told me once I've had psych app, the turn around isn't long. I'm going to be patient and hope I'm offered St Anthony's however as long as I get surgery I don't mind.

Are all your complications sorted now?
Yes all sorted.
I had Saturday surgery and was discharged on the Monday.
Although had a hard few days post op I couldn't keep anything down due to my intolerance of anaesthetic.
I ended up on the Saturday evening when I stood up to go to the toilet throwing up a large amount of blood and being put straight back into bed.
I had problems keeping the liquid painkillers ect down and kept having foam like vomit. Over Sunday night I seemed to turn a corner and was up walking well by Monday morning and keeping stuff down.

By Tuesday I was in incredible pain, at the time I thought it was wind pain and still having the foam like vomit. I rang cathy the nurse who said by vomiting seemed to be consistent with when I took my pain killers. So if I can manage stop taking these and see how I go but if it's when I eat or drink to go to a&e!

Well Tuesday night im still being sick and doubled over in wind pain so had to go to A&E!
I was then admitted until Thursday night where I had countless tests.
It was then when all the tests came back that there was no leaks ect they came to the conclusion I had a very swollen top of my bypass and nothing was getting through and I was just accumulating a back up which is why I was in soo much pain.
I have since been fine, and Id do it all over again!!
I will say be prepared to work real hard, exercise and diet is the key for using the bypass tool and get success!
I've gone from getting out of breath walking to doing spin classes, Zumba and running!
It gives you a whole new lease of life!!

Good luck you won't look back!
It will come round so fast!! I have my 6 month check in a few weeks can't believe it's already six months! Next year you will be saying the same thing!!! :)
Lauren those 2 pics , is that the difference in you in just under 6 months , thats amazing , well done , how much weight have you lost so far and how have you been finding things Post op ........again well done ,.....your looking great x
Lauren those 2 pics , is that the difference in you in just under 6 months , thats amazing , well done , how much weight have you lost so far and how have you been finding things Post op ........again well done ,.....your looking great x

Yes my 6 month anniversary was yesterday.
I was 24st 10lb when I started im now 16st 12lb.
Few complications as you can read through this post. Now I'm finding it really easy although you still have to keep a tight reign on what you eat, I'm not really a dumper which is a pain so u have to be even more strict on my diet and exercise.
Lauren .....whats Dumping ,.....not come across that term before
dumping is when you eat something either too high in fat sugar ect that your new tummy does not agree with it varies in different people.
It can give you sickness bug symptoms or make you really drowsy and clamy ect so like flu symptoms.
Oh I see , does that happen very often then , you say sugary things , how does new stomach cope with spices etc , I dont have a sweet tooth , but I do loved chillis and spiced food ......I guess iv got an awful lot to learn , iv been asked if I can ever have alcahol again too
Oh I see , does that happen very often then , you say sugary things , how does new stomach cope with spices etc , I dont have a sweet tooth , but I do loved chillis and spiced food ......I guess iv got an awful lot to learn , iv been asked if I can ever have alcahol again too

I'm 2 weeks post bypass, have had dumping once with a weight watchers yoghourt, I've been ok so far with spices. My surgeon suggests waiting 3 months for alcohol
Oh I see , does that happen very often then , you say sugary things , how does new stomach cope with spices etc , I dont have a sweet tooth , but I do loved chillis and spiced food ......I guess iv got an awful lot to learn , iv been asked if I can ever have alcahol again too

I had my first drop of alcohol the other week, they advise you to stay away because of the calories and also transfer addiction.

Every person varies with dumping im generally ok but would often get sick a lot at the start with anything that didn't sit tight. Now I'm generally ok!
Spicy food seems to irritate me I get almost like heart burn sensation but again it's very individual to the person.

You could end up like me who can have a teeny tiny slice of birthday cake and be fine or you could be like others who just sniff it and need to go to bed!
So its hit n miss then Lauren , spose its all a learning curve , il look forward to that , I guess changing our eating habits is all part of it , been big for a few years so any changes I have to make will not be a problem as I really want this !! So how long since surgery and hows your weight loss and state of mind
So its hit n miss then Lauren , spose its all a learning curve , il look forward to that , I guess changing our eating habits is all part of it , been big for a few years so any changes I have to make will not be a problem as I really want this !! So how long since surgery and hows your weight loss and state of mind

When the weight is literally melting off it Spurs you on and you don't care about food anymore and to be fair food you liked before just don't taste the same anymore my taste buds have completely changed.
My state of mind is fine although I find the stalls very hard and frustrating. I'm not too ott and I haven't let WLS take over my life. I don't worship the calorie counter and I don't deprive myself I've come to learn that anything is fine in moderation and hey I'm still losing so it must be ok! Although I do live in the gym! That helps im the fittest I've ever been in six months I started panting just walking down the road I now do three spin classes and a circuit training session each week and keep up with the class, that for me is the most satisfying achievement personally!

Are you under St George's too?
No Lauren im under Luton n Dunstable hospital , your fitness sounds great , well done !! My fitness is very poor , I suffer from COPD , my lungs have had it , very hard as iv never smoked and used to be very fit , cycling 32 miles a day , then running 5-6 miles a day plus weight training , badminton , squash and swimming .......these days I struggle to walk 10 yards before strughling !!! So is there really a stage where the weight seems to be just melting of ya then ? Il look forward to that bit !!!
No Lauren im under Luton n Dunstable hospital , your fitness sounds great , well done !! My fitness is very poor , I suffer from COPD , my lungs have had it , very hard as iv never smoked and used to be very fit , cycling 32 miles a day , then running 5-6 miles a day plus weight training , badminton , squash and swimming .......these days I struggle to walk 10 yards before strughling !!! So is there really a stage where the weight seems to be just melting of ya then ? Il look forward to that bit !!!

The first 5 months I was dropping on average 6lbs a week! It's now slowed down and can vary from a stall to 5lbs but on average 2lbs a week now!

You'll probably find once the weight comes off you'll start up again and begin to love exercise like you used too!!