oh god yeah we are !!are you at chichester as well? see you're in northampton so not likely but just wondered as some do come from far afield for the illustrious Mr Slater!! He has some serious rep doesn't he
I thought I was having Mr Somers but a shame i'm not really as was looking forward to having him but nevermind Mr Slater will do me proud regardless
Well after all my whining and anxiety and lack of sleep since July I had my face rubbed in it yesterday and I got the phonecall from St Richards Hospital in Chichester offering me a date for surgery. I thought I was gonna be sick I really couldn't believe, they caught me so off guard as I was on the phone to my office on my work line. ARGH!!! Anyway, my pre-op is on 6th November and the surgery is 27th November with Mr Slater. So its 4 weeks on Friday, ooooooh errrr!!! Am really excited although its not quite hit me yet. Unfortunately my boyfriend isn't as supportive, he didn't want me to have it originally and we had a bit of a barny last night. Nothing I can do really he'll have to accept it or leave me! He wants me to lose weight the "normal" way and i got so angry with him i defended all and sundry over that comment, stupid pr**k came to mind but i love him and he loves me so maybe we will come through it together. Who knows. All I'm thinking about now is my bright future and the fact that i now have 3 weeks in which to get all my christmas shopping done and arrange everything with work who in this economic crisis have finally decided they want me to use my last weeks holiday as part of the sick leave as i'll be off pretty much for the whole of December. Can't have it all our way eh!? lol. oh well, i got my date thats all that matters. Oh and anyone who is wondering about Mandyl she has been texting me and appears the "blip" which ahs kept her in (she is still in) was she couldn't drink and is very dehydrated so they won't let her go until she starts drinking properly. She is a bit teary but i've given her a pep talk and told her at least she isn't suffering at home alone like she was before xxxxxxxxx
Hi Laura, well done you, just think of number one all the way through and you will do just fine. Lots of love and hugs... thinking of you xxxThanks for all the lovely comments, isn't it nice to be on the receiving end at last? All that waiting I am certain makes it much more meaningful. The waiting has made me see how much this surgery means to me I was in such a state yesterday morning then to get the phone call, i couldn't believe it!
My boyfriend and I have been together for nearing 3 years now and we bought a house together back in march so I am sort of in a place where I want to make things work if they get a bit tough and perhaps our relationship might not run the term of my WL but then that is his loss at the end of the day and a new life for me elsewhere. My folks live in South Wales, i'd love to start a new life up there one day and maybe commute to Cardiff or something. That would be great but who knows. I was trying to settle as i've moved around constantly since i was 18 and my bf's family are the absolute bee's knees!! (sorry to be cheesy but they are!) its just a shame my bf isn't quite up to scratch. He is very childish and its enormously frustrating but I live with it but for how long is another unknown inevitability. Watch this space....i'm focusing on me for now
Thank you again soooooooooo much xxxxxxxxx love Laura xxxxxxxxx