Active Member
Sorry if I gave offence as I obviously didn't appreciate the size of your home & the limitations you live with. I hope you can sort out what will be best for you.
Thanks angiemason and penelope1008.
Yes, it is because of the extremely limited/cramped and difficult living conditions that I am trying to forward plan.
I think for many people who live in a "normal" sized house with kitchen (and poss have family around them) they cannot imagine how alien single life in a tiny shoebox sized studio flat in inner city London could be. LOL!
Sharon ... please don't take offence at what I am about to say but, well in for a pennyIs there a really good reason why you are living in London, away from your family, in really bad, depressing conditions?
Twink, you are ahead of my long term plans already !! :8855:
At the moment I am financially trapped by earning £35K for a city sec job that would only pay between £15K and £18K in Dorset -- this is the reason I moved up to London 13 years ago in the first place (my salary then doubled from £12K to £24K overnight and, living costs are NOT quite double). I did like it for the first 10 years (theatre, comedy clubs etc etc), but on turning 43 this year I decided I have had enough of the rat race.![]()
I currently rent a very cheap studio flat (£500 pcm) but the rest of my bills and "financial commitments" come to £1,500 per month, leaving me with £500 (or less) to live on. (eg if I have an unscheduled "extra" bill like a recent £100 BUPA policy excess or some urgently needed item it becomes £400 to live on, or £300 to live on, etc)
I cannot currently consider taking a job in Devon or Dorset (which is my dream to escape back to the country) which would only pay me a net monthly wage of £1,500 after tax (I have already looked into these things and registered on lots of job sites!).
I would also need to buy a car and have enough money to maintain, insure, run the car and keep it topped up with petrol.
Because of the pending surgery (and the fact that *this* current GP referred me and got the funding and Greenwich PCT have approved it) my plan is really to look at my finances and how I can escape from London **post** surgery: I can only dream that the magic overnight 12 stone weight loss (I am joking!) will lead to meeting Mr Right (Who Happens to also be Mr Loaded !) :8855:or some kind of lucky lotto win to help me with my "escape to the country" plans.
Otherwise I have to continue to pay off £11,000 of debt which I might manage to have paid 50% off by August 2012, and then either reduce my payments (and breathe a bit), or pay the remaining half off within a year.
Not to mention the 2 times I narrowly missed out on opportunities to buy small cheap flats some years ago back when 100% mortgages were available, and so find myself still SINGLE and STILL renting at 43 years old, saddled with nothing but debt, no home, no car, no "assets" to speak of.
(Obviously if I had bought in London some years ago I would have some value in a property to sell and buy something cheaper in the 'burbs.)
And at least £8,000 of the debt was caused by an ex who messed with my head. He was NOT a Nigerian scammer. None of the money went to him. He was one of those men who builds up "fairytales" and gets you believing nonsense and manipulating you (me) round his little finger.
He managed to 'manipulate' me into putting a deposit and 2 months' rent down on a very expensive large ground floor garden flat in a better area (£750 pcm). So that's £2,250 on rent and deposit plus agent's fee (another £150) = £2,400 plus removal men fees (£200) plus more than £4,000 worth of furniture (for the unfurnished flat), and other incidentals (digital camera, flashy hi-tech mobile etc etc). Moving into the flat was financed on the back of a £4,000 bank loan, and the extra furniture and "incidentals" were racked up on credit cards, catalogues and a £2,000 bank overdraft etc.
And then of course "Mr Manipulator" went and vanished leaving me in the "love nest" he had manipulated me to invset in -- with (possibly?) no intention himself of ever joining me there.
I don't understand men (well, no, just that b*std) because what joy did he get out of leaving me in debt to high heaven, when he wasn't even scamming me for the benefit of monetary gain himself ???? !!!!! Some sick twisted joy out of having messed up my life and managed to get me to so stupidly and foolishly believe every story he spun ....? I did try pursuing him a few times, but as you can imagine "Mr Slippery" won't ever admit that he was to blame. :jelous: So I am now left paying off the debts, and trying to get myself straight.
My only small joy is that if I had not been thru this nightmare, I might never have ever been referred for this life-changing surgery.
I am almost certain that if I was still with him I would have remained one of life's yo yo dieters, feeling moderately content that I was with a man who I *thought* adored me (ha ha ha). And I know every time my weight went up, he would have probably nagged me, and it would have been a struggle to diet back down to a size that he *might* have condescendingly approved of.
But he ain't ever gonna get to see the "super slim me" in 2012. The one who *will* (due to the power of surgery) have much more will power (and less appetite) to be able to stick to low calorie life forever !!!
1. I have emailed my younger brother about Dad's inadequate bathroom and suggested we invest in a small shower unit.
2. I have written to my landlord regarding the problems with no bell / entry phone system.
Hi Sharon, what a nightmare. I have 2 flights of stairs here as I live in a 3 storey house and I have been fine!
Sharon - can you see your visitors from your flat? Could you lower the front door key to them on a piece of string?
Or could you get an extra key cut for trusted visitors?