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Start my preop diet on monday


New Member
:cry:I cant get my head in the right place.
Ive had a lot of problems over the last week in relation to a forum I use, someone tried to cause a lot of trouble for me and I have been really upset and so on so have been really down. I have bad depression anyway so this really hasnt help. Luckily its all sorted and the person was found out to be a troll and had been causing a lot of people a lot of problems.
Im still really finding it hard to get in the right head space.
Ive had some huge hissy fits and rows with my husband and stuff about food and shopping etc for no reason :cry:

I think Im feeling a bit worse because I have to do the diet Im doing for 6 weeks rather than the usual 2 and its making me feel like I will just fail.

Does anyone have any advice?
HUgs first

Hi Zns. First of al I want to send you a humoungous HUG!:grouphugg:

I was just pondering this morning on how, though our relationships of forums like these are 'cyber' and take place in 'cyber space'.....we are NOT cyber!

and as such we can get just as hurt in these places as out there in 'the real world'......so we need to take care of each other.

I'm so sorry you've had a tough time honey. And I'm glad to see you back here.

I can imagine (though I don't know) that a strong element in the rows with hubby etc, is the anxiety you feel about the up-coming diet. I was a total troll in th run-up to mine and for the frst couple of days and I'm sure that's why.

Advice? Is the diet a milk one or the low carb, low fat one?

I've found the milk one surprisingly easy.

Try to focus not so much on the deprivation angle, or the length of the diet, as to what it's leading up to. Maybe even make a written list of all the things you're hoping to get out of the WLS. Make a couple of copies and put them in strategic places, with one in your handbag for when you're out.

Explain your anxieties to hubby and close friends and enlist their support.

Try as much as is possible within the limitations of your diet to make it tasty and interesting. For instance, I've discovered the joys of fruit and yoghurt smoothies on my milk diet. (if you don't have a blender, now's the time to invest! I got one for £10 from Sainsburies which works a treat)

and keep a record of your days in the Pre-Op section here. I'll certainly undertake to pop in as often as possible to cheer you on.

sending lots of love.

Oooh thank you thats really helpful.

Im on the low carb low fat diet.

Thank you for being so lovely.

I shall try and do as you suggest that is a good idea


bless you. Keep on posting.
I've had sooooooooo much encouragement from the lovely peeps on here and it's helped so much.

You can do this! :character00180:
It is perfectly natural for your emotions to be all over the place at this time. Add to that, your depression and you are bound to be in turmoil.

Try to not let outside influences, such as forums (which I know from personal experience, can be quite unpleasant) take away your determination to do this. You have waited a long time and worked hard for it. Now you just have to do a little more hard work to get to the point where you can press reset on your life and get the new beginning you deserve.

Take every day as it comes and don't be hard on yourself when you have a bad day. You CAN and WILL do this. Do it for yourself and for your future.

If you ever want to vent, feel free to pm me. I'm not always around as much as I used to be, but I do pop on and off my netbook throughout the day.

Lean on us - our shoulders are broad enough to be able to take on some of your problems.

Big hugs.

Amanda x
Hi Sweetie,
As you are under Ahmed at CX I assume you are on the low-cal/fat/Cals diet?

It does take a few days to get used to but when you do you will be fine. Make sure you make use of fizzy drinks, they do fill you up. However, don't get addicted to them as you know they will be unavailable to you post-op.

Once you get into the swing of it you will be fine. I'm sorry to hear you will be on it for 6 weeks though, that isn't going to be easy but just think of the certain prize at the end of it.
Good luck. xx
Yay, team Ahmed! xx
hey sweetpea, try not to let 'forum users' get you down, its very hard when on forums to not remember there is a 'real human being' on the other end of the keyboard and that to brings real emotions...... we use these sites as support and encouragement, if you dont get that form a certain user, you block and move on.... please dont let that get you down, this is your start to a exciting, tough, lifechanging journey, and only take heed of the good encouraging advice from 'genuine' peeps....because lets face it, proberly the majority of 'trolls' are prob a gang of 13 yr olds, trying to impress there friends! i wish you well hunni with your pre op diet and your surgery! were all hear for when you need that lil boost good luck!! xx
Good luck with your pre-op diet and I hope you feel a little better. Anxiety can make moody moos of us all lol. Take care X
Hi zns, sorry to hear you have had some toe rag upset you and make you feel the way you do hun. Iv'e never understood why puting a person down can float somebody's boat? :confused:
But the good thing from what you have said is you recognise that as a potential trigger for bad eating habbits!!!
I realised this morning that my Mother (who lives with me) has a lot to do with mine, she is so ignorant and intolerant of others, even me and my problems sometimes, and because i can't/dont say anything i go and eat 6,7,8 + peices of toast smothered in butter!! :argh:
I only realised this recently as i'm on the milk pre op and can't go and stuff, but heck, it's liberating to find out why you may do certain things, thats when you can put up the preverbial two fingers and say sod you!!
It's nerving also, you have six weeks of a BIG change ahead, SCARY!! :fear:
Don't set yourself up for a fail by saying thats what you feel you are going to do...if you did in the past, well thats the past.
Your having your op soon, that my lovely and this diet is the begining of your new future.
Good luck to you babe, all the love and luck (not that you'll need it, coz you're gonna kick its ass!) in the world to you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aww thanks guys you are fab!

Annoyingly Im already addicted to fizzy drinks, its one of the big issues I am worried about afterwards!

I have an appointment with the community mental health phsychiatrist on the 19th about my awful depression so fingers crossed they will be able to help in some way. I think that may make the rest easier if I can get on some antidepressants that actually work for me.

I take comfort in knowing that so many of you guys have done it so it isnt impossible, although 6 weeks is looking like a VERY long time at the moment!