New Member
hi ya all i am new hear . so hear gose lol . i have see the sergon who is more than happy to do the gastrick banding for me . and my doc has gone in for the funding . so im still waiting to hear if they will my bmi is 42 and so worried they will not fund it also do u have to have a pre opp diet a when i see the sergon he told . all he said was next time i se u will be in sergrey . if all gose well . lol also i have not even had to have any blood teast done . like i have heard that some of the ppl on hear have lol . its like the sergon was to busy to go in to detals that day i will be going to stguys and st thomas in london . ny one been there lol
also when u have ur band tigtend dose it hurt
thanks sorry to be a pest hahaahahh