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struggling PLEASE HELP


New Member
hi guys
i am 5 days post op n yes i know only 5 days but i am really struggling with fluids with the band .
i cant drink the req amount of milkshakes , 4 x 200-250 mils, its making me sick , i feel weak still, i am able to drink hot drinks , like today so far, 2 cups of coffee, 250 mils of water, cuppa soup , and will have another hot drink later.
the diet ppl say i must get protein shakes into me but i cant ,
am i doing wrong by hot drinks ? i am due back to wrk a week mon , any suggestions i would b thankful 4 .

thanks :sigh::sigh::sigh::sigh::sigh::sigh::sigh:
ive not had a band, but with a bypass hot drinks are fine... protein shakes...have you tried semi skimmed milk with some marvel milk powder added and some nas crusha milkshake mix.... hot milk you could add options hot chocolate.
You are only 5 days in so fluids for all of us at this stage was difficult... you just have to sip little and ofton... it will get easier.
Im sure a bander will come along soon who can help you xx
its not sooo much the drinks and leval its the taste of the slim fast , making me sick, i have tried milk, tescos, sainsburys etc , they all taste foul ...
My post op advice was totally different. I wasn't told what or how much to drink, just to stick to fluids for 5 days. I couldn't drink cold drinks or big drinks, I sipped warm milk etc... I am now on puréed food (which is quite mushy) with no problems. I did have odd days of being sick and keeping nothing down but they were few. It might be worth trying little and often...???
I didn't have any slim fast or protein shakes at all. Yuk! Lol. X
Not sure if you mean me, but I'll answer... I am eating shepherds pie, puréed stewing steak, scrambled egg - that sort of sloppy stuff. I was on fluids for 5 days. I am 11 days post op.

we its taken me 5 years now and i have finally had some time to look up on the internet of fellow gastric banders i live in sussex and i had a band fitted by nick boyle at tunbridge wells at the time the largest (in sussex ) for sure weighing in at a very embarressing 32 stone !!!!!! :wave_cry: yes 32 stone i went to see nick 16 months ago ano and now weigh a tiny 14.5 stone its a long hard battle as i am sure most of you know i am not saying that i know the answers to every problem you all might have but if i can offer any support to you guys then let me know ? one of the most funny things that happened to me was meeting nick again after three and a half years and he did not know who i was and thought that i was in the wrong room lol will post some photos soon al the best and good luck on your journey spence !!!
hi masher i have just joined this forum and have the following advice for you ! pre banding i was larger than you and during the first 14 days of banding i was on liquids only abait this was 5 years ago i lost 2 stone in the first week this is due to the fluid bulk that i was loosing as if you are not recieving enough nutriants the the body will take the reserves that it is storing and use these as long as you can take fluids and keep hydrated you will be fine mate !! good luck to you on you journey its taken me 5 years and lost 18 stone will send you some photos to give you some hope ok lol cheers spence
well as i said the first 2 weeks just liquids i tried the usual suspects but bovril was a good one miso soup tea lemon tea just put a littel thought into it remember the band is new to you and you dont want the band to slip although it is attached by stitches to your stomach go from liquids to basicly baby food just make foor and use a blender dont worry you sound like me before you are thinking what have you done ?? you have done the best thing in your life so far so head down and get on with it ok ?? any other help you need ask we have lots in common cheers spence
i was told to have warm milky ovaltine because i don't really like cold drinks, and it has loads of vitamins etc in i add a large teaspoon of marvel to the milk before i warm it up it adds protein too xx good luck