Well with all the problems with having restriction I now have it and have lost weight for the first time in three months.
I haven't gained weight but I have struggled to maintain.
Yes I've only lost a pound today buy it is moving now I have restriction
I aim to lose 11lbs by January and if I do this I will be down to the weight I was in the summer of 1985!
I will also be over 50% of the total weight loss and this is also a milestone for me, so bring on 2012 and hopefully the new me

I haven't gained weight but I have struggled to maintain.
Yes I've only lost a pound today buy it is moving now I have restriction
I aim to lose 11lbs by January and if I do this I will be down to the weight I was in the summer of 1985!
I will also be over 50% of the total weight loss and this is also a milestone for me, so bring on 2012 and hopefully the new me