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surgeon-what shall i expect?

Laura b

2011 a new begginning
hi all, gosh only seems like yestreday i was posting saying i had my first appointment, well on monday 8th i have my appointment with surgeon i so carnt wait can enyone enlighten me on what happens on this appointment i know all hospitals r differant but just wondering what to expect
would be grateful for ur replys hope ur all well xx
Hi Laura,
Thinking of you and hope you are ok... what have you done so far Angel? .... I can only speak for Salford... and the early appointments are talking with the dietician, seeing a physician just to check you over, then meeting with the consultant to discuss your ideas and what he feels is best... then... blood tests....

The next appointment can be to discuss the sleep apnoea test, more blood tests for monitoring, discussing the pre op examination and arranging a chat with the psychologist to be sure it's the right thing for you...

I'm not sure of your area but that is how it worked in Salford precious, hope this helps...

Love and hugs xxx
My first meeting was a couple of weeks ago. We talked about how i'd tried to lose in the past, what i've tried, why i wanted to lose, the different surgeries and my next appointment is in a couple of weeks. That will be the nurse dietician and anaethetist, and maybe bloods, i can decide on the day. I was totally open and had prepared questions in advance and had researched loads on here :)
Laura, firstly hun fill in your profile so people can see where you are having your surgery and with who. Luckily i remember your having it at Heartlands :) I'm not sure of their process, could i suggest you ask either Rambo (who had surgery last week) or have a word with RichOne who is the hubby of our lovely Mells and is having surgery in December! Being with the same provider as you they will know everything :) Good luck xxx
hi laura
well the procedure for heartlands is very simple in my experience you will have your appointment usually on a Monday afternoon i was seen by Mr Kumar he told me wot he thought was the best opp for me due to all the information he had and i gave him , its was only about 10 mins and then i was sent to the dietitian were in a seminar room with other people who were having there selected opp's IE bypass sleeve or band and all the procedure was discussed about all opps and the follow up's after surgery and diet and all pre opp diets pretty informative and ur given a folder all about the surgery you will be having, then u just wait for your date mine was 6 months from seeing mr kumar to the operating table so it was not that bad , but others wait and are waiting longer , i also had my funding in place at my first appointment i never knew this at the time Mr Kumar informed me it was in place, which i think help alot and heartlands never had to chase up , so all in all pretty straight forward its just as for most of us a waiting game , all the best with ur appointment
steve x
Thanks so much for all ur advice steve that's brill info uv given me my appointment is Monday afternoon with dr kumar feel better now I kinda know wat to expect x
Thanks so much for all ur advice steve that's brill info uv given me my appointment is Monday afternoon with dr kumar feel better now I kinda know wat to expect x

thats ok girl mr kumar is a really nice chap too, so dont panick u will be fine :)