Well, smooth sailing isn't my style. Preop on Friday - with nurse, fairly basic seemed ok. Got copy of LSD to do for 2 weeks. Slightly unnerved that I wasn't seeing the dr. Anyway... Wednesday was gastroscopy. I was sedated although I think I remember it all. Hearing "ooh what's that?!" Isn't what I wanted to hear. They found: gastritis and prominent fold, query submucosal tumour - so took some biopsies. None of my wls research prepared me for that. Apparently if they hadn't done it and they'd found that doing my surgery, they d've halted procedure. So now I wait. Wait to find out what it is. What to find out if I have op. Wait. So close! Oh then today I get a letter re bloods detailing all my anomalies including severe vitamin d deficiency which needs active treatment. I just wanna rock and cry.