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Techie help -- anyone?


Sleeve to Bypass
Hi guys,

A few mins ago whilst faffing around trying to update my signature box, I pressed some key (or combination of keys) on my laptop and now nearly all text on internet screens has gone small.

I have tried: Control Panel / Display settings (mine is on 1024 x 768 (it is a very small laptop with small screen and I am short sighted so I prefer larger screen and text size). That has not changed -- the text on my menu bars at the top are appearing in what I consider to be "normal" size .... so are the icons on my desktop.

Also staying "normal" sized is the text I type in here into any empty field / comment box. The only text that has gone small is the *rest* of WLS (and all other internet screens) -- the text of words / links on any internet page.

I have tried a few options within control panel settings but have not figured it out yet.

LAPTOP SPEC: Compaq nc6220 (second hand -- donated by my friend Erica some months ago -- I have no instructions)

OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows XP / internet explorer

i would appreciate any advice, as I am not the most techy of people. Thanks.
Is it possible that you've zoomed out?

Zoom in is CTRL + Minus
Zoom out is CTRL + Plus
Also if you hold the CTRL key down while you move the scroll wheel on your mouse or laptop that will also zoom in and out

And I just had to try it didn't I :rolleyes: :D
Right how do I get it back to normal settings before the hubby goes mad
Easiest way is to press alt and go to view then tool bars and turn on the status bar.

The status bar is at the bottom of the ie window.

in the bottom right should be the % read out just click on the arrow and select 100%
And I just had to try it didn't I :rolleyes: :D
Right how do I get it back to normal settings before the hubby goes mad

Different Browsers do it different ways but for Internet Explorer Wonderlusts answer works and for Chrome you just need to click on the spanner top right and there is a zoom option in there

Good luck :)
Is it possible that you've zoomed out?

Zoom in is CTRL + Minus
Zoom out is CTRL + Plus

Yes, it appears these are the keys I had accidentally touched without realising it as using the opposit has now restored things.

Thanks so much -- now I won't need binoculars to read the screen the rest of the day !!