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Teeny weeny body scales for travelling!!


New Member
I know I know. So I go away and I DON'T weigh myself for a week or so? Big deal right?

Well it is to me. I *have* to know!

We're going to the US for a week in March for my granddaughter's wedding. I have found online the cutest little portable body scales, they're smaller than a Kindle, sort of like a large but slim paperback book, weigh next to nothing, and can slip into a handbag.

http://www.amazon.co.uk/Portable-Body-S ... 76&sr=8-12

I got them on Friday, put the two AAA batteries in and we tested them out. Aside from either doing pounds or kilos, but not stones and pounds, it works well. Hubby had a bit of a problem balancing on them, they're so tiny, but I didn't. And they more or less matched my home scales weight for weight, maybe half a pound different, not pounds and pounds, so I'm very pleased.

Ruthie xx
are you sure they are not for food? lol
Brilliant find I'm onto it already and got mine ordered for my cruise. Deffo for humans weigh up to 330lbs

21cm x 11cm...... Can a full grown human actually fit two feet into that space?

I've just returned from six days away, which involved very modest eating (lots of visits to tea rooms and NO CAKE!) and lots of walking (8 miles today), so am hopeful for a downward move on the scales tomorrow. Not sure whether having a scale with me would have been a good idea....I'm already a weighing twice a day kind of a gal.

For the moment, my lifestyle change approach seems to be going well, but I am defo emotionally ready to go the WLS route if the wheels fall off the cart. But had a couple of conversations with my OH, and it appears he is really hoping I don't do it. He says it's risky, and is worried about the long-term effects. Hmm... what about the long-term effects on my knees and hips of hauling all this lard around?

I hope you Pre and post oppers don't mind an only-considering-it person hanging around. I am learning such a lot about the practical impact of WLS, and I really admire the courage and persistence I'm reading about here.

:D I think they are great - I showed my wife and she told me we had to have them! Feed the obsession I say, track and weigh, track and weigh :p
Im going to try not to weigh more than once a week and no way on holiday it would ruin it !! as long as i stick to my sleeve rules best i can its going to do its job to stop any big binges :) go enjoy we are ment to change old habits and live life :)
Each to their own. It's my "comfort blankie" to have my little scales along with me.

And yes you can just about fit two feet onto the platform, it is tiny but it's workable!
I am so addicted to weighing my self now - before i didnt do it that often, now its everyday sometimes twice, not always a good thing,
My next goal is to have a mirror in the house - one that shows something a bit more than just the eyes and nose!!! i even got hubby to put the bathroom mirror up high so i couldnt see in it - so though i like the look of those scales, i am aiming for a mirror next

good idea though Ruthie they are cute and practical xx
Oh I have full length mirrors everywhere; how can you cope without? How do you know you're dressed properly, or your clothes look good/match/aren't stuck into your knickers? :)