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The last word

lol Dotty C. I have to clear my flat of the last 25 years of my life and I am going through this terrible grieving process which is stopping me from doing it.
TB, I have 35 years of "accumulated memories" in my flat and am in exactly the same position. The plan is to move at the start of next year and maybe rent out my flat. I'm away or have my GF visiting every other weekend so get so little time to do it. I'm so rushed and knackered morning and evening, it is really a struggle. I know what you are going through.
Thanks that has made me feel a little better. This has been my only home since I left living with my parents and it feels like I am going to be removing a part of my body when I clear it. I am getting emotional even typing this.
Yes it is very difficult getting "rid" of some things. It is a job that just has to be done. My GF is quite ruthless in this department. I'm glad she is, one of us needs to be.

One easy step is going through my "fat clothes" and chucking/donating them to charity shops. That is one area that I'm pleased to lighten the load.
That is good and positive. Mr TB is the ruthless type too and we have nearly come to blows about it - it's very hard as it was my home and he came to live with me - and the clear out is so we can make it 'our home' - but I am finding it hard to move on. Anyway now I have confessed my feelings on here maybe I can now start doing it.
Thank you both. Just had a good cry and told Mr TB how I was feeling. So he is going to help me tomorrow rather than doing it behind my back - which is what was really getting to me. Normal service now resumed - mine again:D