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The start of me pre op diary!


New Member
I have been reading everyone else's pre-op diaries and decided its time that i started mine.

Well i have just had my pre-op assessment yesterday and after some pretty invasive swabbing, i am on my way to surgery, on the 15th march 2013! i cant believe it, i am so happy. This is my first surgery or hospital stay ever, so bit nervous about the getting naked on an operating table in front of loads of strangers part. lol

I start my pre-op diet next week, so i thought today id prep some meat i bought from the butchers yesterday and freeze it. So i started weighing all the chicken and beef into 25 gram portions (yes they wer tiny!) as it happens i mis-read the diet sheet, it says 50 grams of meat lol. what an idiot i am. i thought i was going to die if i have to survive on a mouthful of meat. lol.
I am not to sure what i am ment to do with these smelly ryvita's. not looking forward to it.
today was the start of my pre-op diary,

Breakfast- wheatabix with chopped banana

MId afternoon snack- low fat yogurt

Dinner- broccoli, carrots, peas, 2 small spuds, 50gr chicken

snack- banana

Tea- 100gr chicken, broccoli, carrots

Today didnt go to bad, feel hungry but iv been sipping sugar free juice to try and cap the hunger. maybe i should try and eat more veg. goin to make some sugar free jelly to munch tomorrow.
Day 3 in the Big Brother house!

well today for breakfast i had 1 wheatabix with chopped banana and sweetner..

snack- banana and yogurt

dinner- tin of tomatoes with chilli seeds added. and chicken.

snack 3 carrots and a few raw brussel sprouts.

tea- bistro salad with 2 chopped boiled tattys and 50gr grated cheese.. best meal so far!!!!

today has been hard, feel like im detoxing. i wud kill for some proper carbs lol. but it is all going to be worth it in the long run, fingers crossed.
everyone keeps asking me if im nervous,, im actually not, although i did order some nice new pjs that have just arrived this morning, and they arent right,, so now im stressed about that.