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The Things I Yearn For:


Slowly Shrinking
There are so many things I feel I have missed out on, due to being obese all my adult life.
Here are a few things I aim to do when I have reached target weight:

*Horse Riding trip - maybe trekking in Wales or if finances allow, one of those ranching holidays in the States or Canada.. yeehawwwwwwwww

* Canoeing. I've never been able to fit in a canoe... so a Canoeing/Camping holiday along the River Wye.

*Scuba Diving.. Never had enough weights on belt to keep me under.

*Shopping for clothes at Asda George or even Primark... lol

Anyone else have any dreams or goals?

My goal is to shop in Topshop.......nearly there now!!!
shopping in Primark, Monsoon....M&S, in fact anywhere that isn't Evans! :D

walking along a beach with my hubby

ice skating (I want to learn)

dancing (ditto)

doing up my own shoes!
My dream is to be able to lie in the girl's bed and give them a cuddle withouth hanging half out of the bed or squashing my daughters. My dream is to not worry whether my weight will break another slat on their bed if I sit down on it a little too heavly.

To be able to buy clothes in any shop and underwear from one of the underwear shops in Trafford Arndale.

For my husband to be able to pick me up and carry me over the threshold (12yrs after our wedding).

For people to not look worried that I am going to take the seat beside them.

To have the courage to tell people about my wls and be on the losers bench.
What do I want to be able to do?

Sit comfortable in an airline seat and enjoy my table being flat.
Have a bath and not feel like a beached whale!!
Walk into a room and not think everyone is looking at me and Saying "Isn't She Fat".
Walk into any shop and pick anything off the shelf
Lots more things but could go on for ever.