Hi all
(As added info please look at my signiture for some very nice meal ideas for post 6-8 weeks bypass / banding . 1 for veggies 1 for meat eater)
I said i would write this just to help some understand the operation etc.
After getting the operation date etc you ready bags packed .
Day 1 you goto hospital you get shown your bed asked a few questions Ob's are taken and then your left alone afte rletting you know roughly when your operation will be.
Day 2 Operation day , Thisis the part where everybody has got the jitters. " Thinking everybody says i could die there is such a high death rate" WRONG everybody has a risk no matter what operation they have be it appendix tonsils anything. The doctors just need to tell you that there is risk becuase its law. Did you know there is more chance of dying from being hit on th ehead by a coconut on holiday, then dying from a gastric bypass. My doctor told me in all the years he had worked doing these operations he has NEVER lost a patient. SO dont worry you will wake up ( BUT MAD) ill get to this next.
You get on the operating table and you feel a little like a turkey being stuffed ready for cooking. but its soon over and they put you to sleep.
Now you wake up jebus mother of fish i was in a bad mood my tummy hurt and i was screaming GIVE ME DRUGS. sorry im a pussy cat. But i got to my bed and they gave me morphine and i was happy as larry.
After the op you goto 1 on 1 nursing they sit next to you helping you with everything you ask, Its fantasic. if you have pain tell them . They will sort it out.
Day 3 if you unlucky like me they take you off your morphine drip and then ask you to sit in the bed side chair and wait for a nurse to come see you and help clear your lungs out. It no big job sit there for a while get it done and get back in bed. dont forget . Got Pain tell them. When they get a bed free you will be moved to a open ward no problem they wheel you there.
Day 4 pain has gone but you cant lay on your sides but you have a electric bed to get sorted ask for more pillows. At this point try to start walking. And drink Sip sip walk walk allday as much as you can. goto the toilet as much as you can. this will only benefit you.
You will get a build up of gas plus the gas they fill you with it needs to all go.
Day 5 if you have been good walked about sipped water been toilet you can go home. The drive hom eis lovely it moves your tummy and get some wind loose . dont worry who is next to you in the car . LET IT OUT.
WHen you get home make sure you top up with pain killers the codeine they give you is fantasic make sure you take it at night as it stop andtummy cramps as a side effect.
Day 6 your sailing now maybe your in pain maybe a little sick ,just take it easy keep taking pain killers and your nearly there.
day 7 This is the last day of the week Dread many call it that because your tired weak mayeb some pain. but dont ask me what it is but that 7th day it all goes like magic.
Catch up with the sleep you may have lost. and then follow your diet to the letter.
And enjoy your new life
I would just like to add If anyone has any questions please please ask the more you know the better. Please mail me or Private message me no matter what time of day or night ill be only to glad to help
And please excuse my grammer etc my mind works faster then my fat fingers