..... Ive decided to follow all the professionals advice and wait to ha e surgery through NHS. Going to Turkey alone for major surgery was probably a little impulsive. I just hope I'm not having to rebook everything in 6 months, I'm really worried as I keep putting my trust in people only for them to go back on their promises, I so hope I've made the right decision, have had a little cry as I was so ready to get this done. Happy that I won't have to leave the children for a week.... That may have killed me, never been away from them but I felt OK doing it as it was for the best long term!
I really need to stay on track diet wise, I've always done slimming world but may try a low carb, low cal, high protein plan to try and prep me for things after the bypass. It really is only hope that is gonna get me through this! It would be easier if I had appointments lined up but there is nothing... Lots of willpower needed... I have had a slight cake incident but I've drawn a line now and am ready to do this!
I am officially being signed off from tier 3 on 11th October I am hopeful once that is done I will get appointments for next stages in tier 4! I REALLY want to see the psychologist again as I know I am ready for this and need him to sign me off! Ergghh too honest... I think it's very strange that they say no to surgery but don't offer 1-1s or group cbt or something between the initial appointment and the review... Weird.... Ah well... Porridge for breakfast prepped so I don't reach for the pop tarts!

wish me luck.... Im gonna need it!