Well-Known Member
Whoop.....amazing news. That's what I had.x
Hello everyone, well on the 3rd of Feb I was referred I believe to tier 4 yay I was told I would be referred to psychologist but I called up today as I was a little confused with my letter apparently I am seeing dr hasslem who will then possibly refer me to mdt I'm so confused at this step can anyone advise me what the hell is going on ????? Thank you Emma
OMG im sooooo jealous :wave_cry: congratulations hopefully i will be behind you soonSo... I saw the surgeon and anaesthetist today and I'm officially on the waiting list to have a roux en y gastric bypass! Should get appointment through the post soon, will be on the losers bench within the next 18 weeks!! So exciting! Xx
Hi foxy 789
I have been feeling the same way. I am new here and finding my way around and I was a bit confused about tier 4. I am under kings London but they said once I completed tier 3, went to the lecture I would get to see the surgeon. I seeing the surgeon part of your tier 4? I know I still have to have a pre-op but nobody has mentioned seeing an anaesthatist confusing but I now know that every hospital is different
Tori i know more questions did you have to do the mdt or did you do that ages ago ????? i have no idea how close to you i am ?You're most welcome lovely, I shall update more when I've seen the surgeon and anaesthetist on the 22nd! Not long to go now I hope, I'm so excited for new beginnings, just can't wait! I know it's not going to be easy, but I feel the tier 3 and 4 have prepared me well! Xx
I dont know why every where is so different the mdt meeting is when you meet an anistnatist apparently but it feels so long away at the moment.
Yes i do my email is [email protected] if you can fine me xxHi Foxy,
I saw mr barecca, who will be the surgeon doing my op!
The last part of my mdt was in January, I got the yes at that meeting and then had this appointment! The next one I shall have will be my pre -op so you're not too far behind! Do you have Facebook? Xx
Thank youDont worry before you know it the time will fly by and soon we will all be on the famous loser's bench
Emma, no one can know how hard it is to get to the point we have and made the decision to do this, unless they have done or are going through the same journey. My partner used to have the same kind of opinion, but used to keep it to himself as he said I would get defensive and it would lead to a row if we spoke about it, so we didn't. Since I have been going down the route of surgery, he has been very supportive, I have told him I don't need him to understand how or what I go through personally with my relationship to food, only that I need him to be behind my decisions and support me through it all, despite what happens, which he has been and continues to do. Until 3 weeks ago he had never been on a diet and never needed to, but since hitting 40, his body has changed and he has gone onto his first diet.. Much to say we had a heart to heart and he then said that he never understood before as he had never experienced dieting or any issue with his weight, but now does as he is now having to look at what he is eating.
I think what I'm trying to say is that we all support you on here and I shall find you on Facebook (just let me know what your pic is like and I shall look through all of the Emma Fox's!!) to support you there too, I'm sure you're brother is trying to support you in his own way, but isn't going about it quite right as he doesn't understand it all fully. Please don't let this upset you, he shall see how happy you will be after your surgery ! Big hugs xxx
Beep that is so amazing and exactly how i feel ive been paving the way alone i have no partner and i dont fee like i want one in my life at the moment this is my time to do what i want and please no one else ( bah my daughter obviously lol ) and i fell good well with my decissions and taking control of my life im getting stronger and coming out of my depression ive been in so im stepping in the right direction for me. Beep tori and all the other on hear are my emotional guides and I am thank full i have you all hear to listen.Focus your energy into positives start planing. Think of recipes post operative start getting yourself prepared. I know you have not got a firm date yet but it will just make you more in control. I didn't tell many people, my husband, two friends and my two bosses and I made the right decisions. My hubby dropped me off on the day of surgery in the hospital foyer and I done the whole thing on my own didn't phone or message anyone. My husband picked me up a couple of days later when my emotions got the better of me and I just sobbed...I'd done it, for me, my journey not anyone else's. It took me years of emotional tourture eating to comfort my sadness so it had to be something I needed to do by myself. Very hard to leave my two children and husband but I did as I want a better healthier life for all of us. People still don't know, I haven't even told my parents, in laws ect. Stay strong X X
OMG coffee cup we must be close together on this journey thank you I'd appreciate this I'm so scared trying to be super good I don't want to mess this up no now I've come so far xx
I am literally three weeks behind you this is exciting ive not had some one so close in the same areaHi foxy, mr rehman was nice, he gave me a general check up, blood pressure, listened to my chest etc ....He asked me if I was sure that I wanted surgery as life could be difficult afterwards but I assured him that it was what I wanted. Now I have to wait for the MDT appointment.