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Tip for weight loss stallers!!!! photo now included!!!

John so please to hear yr news hope it goes well. How exciting!!!

Shel hes a big beetles fan so will suggest we come over to Liverpool one weekend and maybe we could all meet up then! x
Sounds like a plan! Got my new date so am able to organise stuff now :) have never actually been round the beatles museum but have drunk in the cavern/lennons bar a fair few times ;)

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me again!
Ok-sugar. Everything has to be under 5 per cent sugar right? Well,it is so crazy the amount of sugar in things. I know we have to avoid tomato at the moment but even puree to flavour mince is too high! When I spoke to the dietician she said don't dwell on food lables, just avoid cakes, choc etc. So, now I am little confuzzled. Shelbell guru plus others-advice please chickens!!!!
I am tolerating food now! Yay! x
Lol, yes in general it is best to avoid anything over 5g per 100g sugar, but you have to use some common sense on this. The sugar in tomatoes is a natural sugar and so breaks down very differently to refined sugars. You are very unlikely to dump on moderate amounts of natural sugars. That said, things like fresh orange juice is full of natural sugars and does cause dumping in most people if you have more than say half a normal size glass.

With tomato purée, you aren't going to be sat down eating the whole tube, it will be cooked into a big batch of mince, so the actual volume of purée you eat in a portion of bolognaise is small. Consequently the amount of sugar per portion is small too.

You can follow your dieticians advice but it means you are likely to experience dumping on a fair few occasions while you find what is ok for you and what isn't. Dumping is a horrid thing so most people try to avoid it by watching the food contents. Also, you may find that you dont dump or atleast not very easily and that can open the door to making bad food choices.

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Thank u Shelbell guru! That is so helpful.
I feel so much brighter today. Mum took me for a drive this morn, then this afternoon we wondered round a garden centre. I felt a bit light headed after ten mins but it was good to get out. I know I will sleep well again tonight.
It has actually sunk in today-I have actually done it! AHHH!!! Wow!!! I am already dreaming of chinese buffets and macs but I guess that is normal. Once I start eating more solid food I think these thoughts will go...I hope!
Are u guys just on this site? Have u tried Thinner times? It was thinner times I joined up to first but I prefer this one. Everyone was raving about T times in hosp!
How is everyone doing? x
How do i start a new thread?? i can't work out how to do it anymore-surgery brain i blame it on!!! x
well we had a fab weekend. he told me to packj a overnight bag for the weekend and then on friday we went to the club with his sister bother in law and aunt again. sat he bought me breakfast in bed then ran me a bath. we then went into town as he had seen some lights that he liked but wanted my opinion. we then had a wonder around the shops generally pointing things out that we liked and didnt getting to know each others tastes. im pleased to say they are very similar. We then hit B and Q as he had a few bits that he needed.
Before going back to his we called in and had a coffee with my sister so they could meet each otherwhich went really well.

Once back at his he did a couple of jobs around the house that needed a extra pair of hands before we watched the rugby. He then made tea Spag Bol from scratch no jars and even got my portion size bob on.he even insisted that i just sat and relaxed with a glass of wine whilst he cooked.

After tea he let me help with the washing up befor we settled down with another bottle of wine and some TV.

Sunday morning i made coffee and he said he couldn't remember the last time he had had a coffee made for him in bed. We then went for a nice walk and had a quick lunch before i headed home and he hit the road back to kent.

I had a lovely message off him saying thanks for a magical weekend and that as old fashioned as it may sound he was proud to have me on his arm...

to say i am happy would be a massive understatement... lol
Im so pleased for you Carole he sounds fab and a perfect gentleman! Where abouts in Kent is he from? There are some lovely places down here if you ever feel like moving!!!!! xxx
Hes in the RAF based in Rochester Lisa and has already bought a house up here 20 mins from me ready for his retirement from the services in 2 years.
Hes in the RAF based in Rochester Lisa and has already bought a house up here 20 mins from me ready for his retirement from the services in 2 years.

The picture of me in the snow below is of me at the xmas market infront of Rochester castle! xxx
Dave was home last weekend with his son. I had been baking the day before with a young person i support so I made him a fruit cake. I dropped it off on Saturday morning and had a quick coffee with him as I was working couldn't stay too long. But my god how hard was it to leave. Saying that i dont know what has been more frustrating not seeing him or just seeing him for a quick half hr. Nice thing is the feeling is mutual.

This week has really dragged and then on Friday night i got a text off him saying he was missing me. Next weekend hes working and so am i and then i cant wait for the 25th when he is home again. But it feels such a long time off.....
On the weight front i had put a couple of lbs on so have cut back on the carbs but i'm also having quiet a few problems in the old ladies dept. Just waiting for an appointment with the gynaecologist.
I am so happy for you, I love reading this thread and wish you and Dave all the happiness in the world. xx