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Toilet Talk.........


Sorry for the toilet talk but how often do you reckon is normal to go for a poo.

I have only been once since my op on 17th October. Obviously I'm not eating as much and nothing bulky.....

Would appreciate your comments on this.
Hi Andrea,

In the first few days post op, I went regularly but it was liquid. (sorry!)I

After the first couple of weeks I think I was going prob about once every 5 days or so. Once I moved onto puree and then to sloppy food the number of visits increased.

Im now on more or less a normal diet, but small quantities obviously and I seem to go every other day on average.

I wouldnt worry too much about not going, unless you have any pain or feel as though you are constipated. It should all sort itself out. Just make sure you are getting plenty of fluids in (min 2 litres a day)
The first few weeks after my op I went very few and far between. I now go every day usually after my first cup of tea and have to take movicol everyday as if I dont I suffer with constipation really painful constipation aswell
As long as you are producing gas from your bottom (sorry but it's true), not vomiting and your belly isn't distended, then you'll be OK.
Hi Andrea - I sooo struggled going to the loo post op....I ended up using Movicol as Gail suggests.

I was pretty bad that first one as there is iron your taking and codine and the lenght of tie the waste has been in your body.

DO NOT STRAIN! see your GP and ask for movicol and drink lots and lots of water!!
There isnt really a protocol for the first few weeks - I had diarrhea and then went fairly regularly and still go - sometimes 6 times a day but its always a tiny amount rather than once with a large amount. If you are worried, speak to your surgical team but Im sure you are fine.
I had a terrible time not going and ended up with piles, I am now on movicol and its fab but agree with the others increase your fluid intake and if its not troubling you too much just wait for nature xx
In the first few days post op, I went regularly but it was liquid. (sorry!)

Thanks for the reasurance Sambucca!!
I had the bypass done last thurs, and its all ive had!
And its a funny green colour as the surgeon runs a blue dye thru the system, make sure its air tight whilst still under.

How long is this likely to last?? Anyone???

Hiya hun - Im 6 months out and due to the iron I take mine is still black or green :) Nice! Very Halloweeny lolololol
Hiya hun - Im 6 months out and due to the iron I take mine is still black or green :) Nice! Very Halloweeny lolololol


I'm hoping they firm up some what ovr the next few days. lol