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Too Much Restriction????


New Member
I had my 3rd fill on Tuesday(was given another 1ml), and I now have 6.5 mls in a 10 ml band.
However, I am really struggling to eat any thing - I have just tried some M & S Smoked Haddock soup and have struggled to get it down, I've also tried a spoonful of egg mayo as well and that was difficult too.
I don't really have the time to go for a de-fill at the moment, and in some ways it's good that I can't eat too much but, I know it's not good for me.
If I put up with this situation for a while longer will the band give a little?
Hang on in there. Back onto liquids for a few days. Then see how it goes. If you can't get water down that is the only time to start panicking.

Good luck!
I don't want to make you scared, but I read that too tight band puts you into serious risk. If the band goes through the stomach wall, not only the band will stop working, but it can also be dangerous for you. I know you wrote that you don't have time, but maybe if you spend some time doing research online on that topic, you may decide that you want to make the time. When it is about serious health risks, on balance the other thing may be possible to postpone.
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It may be too much all at once, that one mil. Why not go back to liquids for a couple more days to see if it eases up? Is is totm? Cos that can make things worse, especially as you get closer to that 'sweet' spot. Egg mayo is probably not a good indicator of whether or not you are too tight, because egg can be a bit of a struggle to eat anyway. And the soup .... Could you slow down or are you already eating it really slowly. It can come as a shock after a fill...That the things we used to be able to get away with, now we cannot. Such as not chewing enough, consuming too much at once or eating too quickly. Fingers crossed its just a blip, but if you are really worried, give the hospital a call xxx
Hope things settle for you soon xx
It could just be down to the body recovering from the fill (and none of us here are experts, all we can do is speak from our own experience), but obviously too much restriction is a very serious issue, and definitely if you have the ongoing symptoms of being too tight you should speak to your provider ... Your health is most important at the end of the day x
Moving this thread out of meetings and support groups into the band section! :thread_moved:
Hang on in there, it's only been a couple of days and if you are back on liquids, I'd give it 5 days on liquids before getting a de-fill. Unless you can't get water down, then you need to get a de-fill pronto. My second fill I had swelling for 6 days then it was all good after that.

But you need to weigh up the options, sit it out or get a de-fill. Only you know what you feel like and only you know how much stress this will give you and possibly make it tighten even more!

Good luck, hang on in there ;)
Sorry to hear you're still struggling . . .have you gone back to trying basic liquids, milk and runny yoghurts (consistency that will go up a straw)? If so, and you're still struggling with that, it could be that you have too much in there . . . :(
Home made mushroom soup is all I could take today,this was liquidised so it was totally smooth!Not filling though!!!!!

If stress does make the band tighter then I am a No 1 candidate for that at the moment!!!

What foods should I be trying to eat now???? I don't have an appt with my dietician for another 2 weeks o, suggestions for easy filling foods to consume would be really helpful.........I have 3 Strawberry Slimfast shakes in the fridge, so think I might need to have one of those tonight (yuk)
When on liquids and was struggling with milk based stuff and soup etc, I went back and started again completely with clear liquids, so tea, coffee, water, NAS squash and fruit juice, then started to reintroduce dairy in the form of skimmed milk and runny yoghurts, then started to introduce soups (altho I dont like these anyway so struggle with soups) I did find that I couldnt stomach home made so stuck with tinned soup, started with thin ones such as spring veg (just sieve out the bits) or chicken noodle (again sieve the bits) and then move onto thicker ones.

Eggs don't particularly agree with me unless its cooked as an omelette . .

But I'd stick to thinner liquids until things start to settle down, or if they don't, give your provider a call . . .poor you :(