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Totally new to all of this!!

so, major setback at the moment, went to the dentist last night for a filling and when I came out of the room I fell down the stairs, badly twisted my ankle and bashed my hip. Cant really walk on it so exercise is out of the question for a few days at the least :(
Oh man! What bad luck. Of all places to get more pain inflicted too...
Make note of it in a diary and present it to your WM team next time you see them. Sometimes setbacks cannot be avoided.
So, its now a week until my appointment with the consultant at Barnsley Hospital to see if I get the funding for my op. Anyone who has been through this, what kind of thing is it going to entail? Ive been told its 45 minutes, any help people can give would really help me :) xx
So, my consultant appointment was really successful, I'm pleased to report ive got the funding, got to go back to the diet classes and try and lose weight before the surgery, but theyve said its a minimum of 18 weeks but in reality it will be quicker than that. Got to have a full diabetes screening and a sleep aponea test first, then will meet with Dr Ackroyd at the Northern General in Sheffield and then see the consultant again in 3 months for the results and stuff. I feel a bit phased at the minute, dont think its sunk in but im happy and excited about it!! xx :D
Hello and welcome
Hi everyone, sorry I haven't been around much, been very busy. Just to update you all, I had my diabetic screening last week, just waiting for the results, and I'm going to the Northern General to meet Dr Ackroyds team on Thursday for a 2 hour seminar on all the ins and outs. Its really starting to happen............... getting quite excited!!!
So, went to the seminar, met the nurse team, more than ever I want the sleeve. Pleased to report I am under Mr Ackroyd, yay!! Very happy!! Just got to wait for my first appointment now. I unfortunately am not gonna be able to have the op until December at the earliest due to work commitments (they wont let me have the time off) but I officially cannot wait for this to happen now :)
So glad that things are moving for you xx
so, got 1st appointment through to meet Mr Ackroyd, 24/04/2013, crikey this is moving quickly!! :)

Also, its my 40th birthday today! Cannot believe I am this old! This makes the operation much more important to me!:candle1: :superwoman:
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So, quick update, went to see Mr Ackroyd, actually saw his assistant who went through a lot of questions with me and definately looks like I will be having the sleeve now. Very very happy!! The only thing I am not happy about is my work is not letting me have the time off due to a sick warning, so the earliest I can have the op will be December. Got my sleep aponea test on Friday (31/05) so will have completed all the medical steps I need to do in a weeks time :happy036:

Just got to keep my patience between now and December!! :mad: :sigh:
December will fly in! It will be here in no time :) Good luck to you and I hope all goes well xxx