Lesley I am in week 5 and on soft foods, crabsticks coulnt towards that, just take very small bites and chew well. The chilli dip was rather good on them as well. I enjoyed the wine despite it tasting a lot stronger, my taste buds seem to dislike strong flavours at present. I was not drunk after it, as it was only about 1/2 a small glass however it was a new step for me. I wanted something special last night as Jonah is now off to Chicargo for 2 weeks so wont be around for valentines day. I have also been told to think about what i want to do for my birthday next month as it will be somewhat a cheap meal out LOL
Frosty i love my seafood, its been hard not having any, i would opt for it over meat anytime as long as its GOOD seafood. so for me crabsticks are heaven at present. Of course the Monkfish was delicous as well. LOL bought 2 monkfish tails, told Jonah to only cook one and i would have a little off that, same with his potato.... lmao poor thing is now being deprived .
!k of crabsticks wow bet they filled your freezer for a while, but just think of the crabstick andsweetcorn soup you made among otherthings