Shrinking away nicely :)
Morning all well with my surgery just 3 days away
i am just making sure i have all that i need in my massive suitcase 

One thing i have read many times is that there is a good chance that i might get some quite painful trapped wind, i do suffer from it occasionally and i know how painful it can be.
I am allowed to take one of my meds"oxycontin" in tablet form as its about 1/3 size of a paracetamol and i was wondering if i would be able to take in with me some other tiny tabs about the same size as my meds for trapped wind, or should i take some baby gripe water.
I know most people say that walking around helps shift the trapped wind but i am not able to say how mobile i will be as i have walking probs and am now going through a bad flare up of sciatica, and because i am on such mega strong drugs at the mo and with pain relief from the hospital added on top there is a good chance even if i am able to walk i will be 2 out of it to leave my bed.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated thanks, luv Roch xx
One thing i have read many times is that there is a good chance that i might get some quite painful trapped wind, i do suffer from it occasionally and i know how painful it can be.
I am allowed to take one of my meds"oxycontin" in tablet form as its about 1/3 size of a paracetamol and i was wondering if i would be able to take in with me some other tiny tabs about the same size as my meds for trapped wind, or should i take some baby gripe water.
I know most people say that walking around helps shift the trapped wind but i am not able to say how mobile i will be as i have walking probs and am now going through a bad flare up of sciatica, and because i am on such mega strong drugs at the mo and with pain relief from the hospital added on top there is a good chance even if i am able to walk i will be 2 out of it to leave my bed.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated thanks, luv Roch xx