Hi Everyone - just checking in for my weekly update. Not much to report really, scars still look about the same under the tape although I would say the swelling is very slightly reduced, yay!

I have been able to lay on my side for short periods of time in bed - I had lipo on either side of my flanks (!!) so quite sensitive there although the bruising is nearly gone. Mr Stewart did say though that the bruising could be around for about 6 months with the lipo, so it may come back I guess.
Did more exercise this week. Hoovered downstairs on Monday and did I know about it! I felt every back and forward motion and by the end I was nearly crying with the exertion. I have also had a couple of walks down to the High Street and back this week - about a 2.5 mile round trip. It took me an extra 20 minutes each time and I was knackered afterwards on both days I did this. Just goes to show how much something like this affects you and I'm reasonably healthy and fit. No dizzy spells though so all good, although blood pressure still low compared to what it was pre-op.
Weight holding steady which I'm pleased about, but ... drum-roll please ... I have size 10 jeans!!!! Penelope - remember you said this to me earlier in the thread! When I went to Inverness last Saturday I got some crop jeans from Dorothy Perkins and a pair from Next as well. OK so they might be a more generous cut but who cares, a 10s a 10!!
I am now wearing my jeans more around the house - still getting by with my 12s and a belt at the moment but can't wear them all day as they start to press on my sides and front scar.
All in all a happy bunny still - oh and the weather is finally moving down a couple of degrees too!

All good in the Highlands. Hope everyone else is ok? Been a wee bit quiet on the boards of late. Happy weekend everyone