cant believe this seen GP said i cant understand why i dont reach criteria...........
she checked computor records and they had my height at 5ft 4 instead af 4ft9.5 all this stress..........
anyway she has appologised said she will write again for a refferal as now my BMI is within criteria above 40 along with added extras which i didnt know about high blood pressure and ME will be mentioned along with family history of Angina so fingers n toes crossed i will get a positive answer next time.
thanks to those who did post back been told to stop the reducticil and start back on anti depressents in 2 weeks if i still feel low.
take care all. xxx
she checked computor records and they had my height at 5ft 4 instead af 4ft9.5 all this stress..........
anyway she has appologised said she will write again for a refferal as now my BMI is within criteria above 40 along with added extras which i didnt know about high blood pressure and ME will be mentioned along with family history of Angina so fingers n toes crossed i will get a positive answer next time.
thanks to those who did post back been told to stop the reducticil and start back on anti depressents in 2 weeks if i still feel low.
take care all. xxx