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update on rkimmage


New Member
Just to let everyone know that Richard is home and everything went well. His text read

'sorry I forgot to take my mobile to hospital. Just got home from hospital, feeling sore and tired, but otherwise all went well. Will come online later if Im up for it.'

Speedy recovery Richard x:thankyouthankyou::thankyouthankyou::thankyouthankyou:
Thanks for letting us know sal, hope your feeling better soon richard xxx
All the best matey! glad it all went well x
Hiya Richard, wishing you a quick recovery and hope you feel better soon xxx
Thanks for this Sal, i been thinking about Richard and how things went im glad hes ok great news xxxx

Liz xxx
well done richard xx $$$
Speedy recovery Richard. Looking forward to hearing all about it x
all the best chap
speedy recovery and good luck with your future weight loss
Great news, best wishes for a speedy recovery xx
Hi ALL, thanks for your nice comments. and a special thanks to Sally & Liz. xx
Well I'm home now, and much earlier than I thought. I only came off my morphine and drip last night, so not to bad.
Well, I got to Hospital on Wednesday for 2pm, as I was asked, and I had to wait 6 hours for a bed :(. due to the weather, some post Op patients hadn't gone home when they should have.
I was in a single cubicle on the wednesday night, and got what sleep I could, which wasn't much. and I'm glad to say I was first on the list for the Op on the Thursday morning at 8.30am, they put me to sleep about 9am, then the next thing I remember is being brought around at 12pm, telling me it was all over in recovery. I didnt feel sick or anything, and my tummy didnt hurt much, but I was in agony with my left shoulder, they had had it in one position for the 3 hours and gas had got trapped, so it was sore.
They put me back into a 4 bed room after recovery, with 3 other lovely ladies who were having the same op.
I had my swallow test yesterday which went well, and wasnt as bad as I was expecting. so they let me start on fluids yesterday, then sloppies today. all I have managed though is 1 yoghurt abd a small portion of soup for tea. don't feel hungry at all, just thirsty.
The pain killers they have me on knock me for 6, and make me really tired. my stomach is still tender, but I suppose it will be for a while.
I will keep you all updated, and thanks again.:)
Wonderful news Richard! Welcome home x